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五十六个民族相濡以沫。The fifty-six national feelings.

我想爱情,就是相濡以沫的过一生。I think love is profound feelings over a lifetime.

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两个人相濡以沫,玛丽越长越高,而马克思越长越宽。Each nourished the other, and, as Mary grew taller, Max grew wider.

生命的美好原本就在于这份相濡以沫的守望相助。The beauty of life simply lies in this interconnectedness of hearts.

别了,相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖。Farewell, each other, than forget themselves in the rivers and lakes.

相濡以沫的夫妇,可爱懂事的孩子,组成幸福之家!Comfy of couple , lovely , intelligently childs , made up a blessed family !

“催产素激起我们心底有相濡以沫的渴望,”布里顿说。"Oxytocin allows us to feel the urge to nurture and to bond, " Britton says.

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相濡以沫多年的伴侣一旦分手,迎接他们的往往是令人窒息的恐惧。Being single after years of being part of a couple is often a frightening prospect.

而最重要的是,他深深地爱着自己的儿孙以及相濡以沫37年的发妻盖尔。Most of all, Gary Cotter loved his kids, his grandkids, and Gail, his wife of 37 years.

而你的牛总能听懂你的诗,它的眼眸里有一汪相依相伴的深情,有一种生命的相濡以沫。But you can always catch your cattle, its eyes a reunion together we'll stay, a life of roof.

石头上刻的相濡以沫刻尽玄色风趣。In the stone engraves helps one another in difficult time engraves the completely black humor.

我喜欢看到相濡以沫的老夫老妻,是他们让我相信这世上真的有人会爱你一辈子。NO. 7 I love seeing old couples, it makes me realize that actually someone can love you forever.

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我一直以为会和我的第一任妻子这样相濡以沫地生活下去,可是她却不爱我了,最终选择了和我离婚。I thought I would have this with my first wife, but she fell out of love and chose to divorce me.

恭贺新郎、新娘!祝你们在漫长之人生旅程中相濡以沫,永远幸福。Congratulations to the groom, best wishes to the bride. May your path be long and filled with joy.

你将会和那些赞同你这些原则或者在这些方面能听取你意见的伴侣相濡以沫。You will get along best with a lover whose principles agree with yours or one who will take your word in this area.

我昨天感谢了他们。记住这些与球队相濡以沫的名字并不难。因为选择帮助尤文的人是如此寥寥。I thanked all of them yesterday and it won't be hard to remember them – there weren't many who chose to help Juventus.

马克和相濡以沫的妻子康妮都没有慢性病,一个身材瘦肖,一个身体丰满。Neither Mark nor Connie – his indefatigable wife, who is as chubby as he is gaunt – suffer any chronic medical conditions.

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如今又是物欲横流,有几个人相信纯真的感情至圣,又有多少能够相濡以沫的去面对未来?Now it is materialistic, some people believe that the feelings of innocence and holy, and how much can you go in the future?

其实,你携起她的手时,就是前世残存的记忆在提醒你,前世埋你的人,就是你身边与你相濡以沫的爱人。Actually, you let her hand, is in memory of remaining in the past bury you remind you, who is with you, and you love the roof.

一个人要想幸福,就要有一个家,一个温暖的家,这样一来,心理、生理、心灵上,两个人心心相印,相濡以沫。A person who want to be happiness, must have a family, a warm family. So two people will be heart to heart in mental and physiology.