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一种境况是讨厌自己。First is self-loathing.

我的境况就是如此。This had been my plight.

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我们是怎么把自己卷进这些糟糕境况的?How did we get ourselves into this mess?

所有这些都是戈尔丁对人类境况的悲剧性意识。Such is Golding's sense of human condition.

现在,可怜的旦尼尔真是处于穷困潦到的境况。Right now the poor guy is really down and out.

挺过各种挑战看它能把你带到何种境况。Live the challenge out and see where it takes you.

无论如何,我们都是活在今天,必须面对今天的境况。But we are living today and must face today's situation.

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在您周围的境况中您是否感觉到了羞耻感呢?Did you feel a sense of shame around your circumstances?

在这样的境况下,没有谁知道他将做什么。No one can be sure what he would do in such circumstances.

就算股价走高境况也不会变得更妙,而是更糟。Shares don't get better as they go higher. They get worse.

你老是喜欢重提五十年前的境况。You're always harking back to how things were50 years ago.

那么,关掉中央空调的瑞芭•肯尼迪境况如何呢?And Reba Kennedy, who turned off her central air altogether?

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而与曼联同病相怜的,西甲的巴塞罗那境况又如何呢?And what about Manchester United’s La Liga double Barcelona?

谁能猜想到我上次写信的境况呢?。Who could have conjectured the circumstances of my last letter?

你可能是觉得还没有准备好接受目前的境况或是你觉得对目前的一切心有不甘。You may feel unready or unworthy in your current circumstances.

除此之外的境况里,把恐惧先升到三是个不错的主意。Otherwise it is usually a good idea to get Fear to 3 points asap.

师徒关系本身一直是你当下的境况。Relationship itself always already exists as your living condition.

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嗯,那真的是很艰难的境况,我也感到非常的沮丧。Yes, that is a hard situation. I get pretty depressed about it too.

到我毕业的时候,境况能够大有好转。that by the time I graduate, things will turn around significantly.

别迦摩的信徒便是处于这样的境况,而基督便向他们表明他深知这一切。The Christians at Pergamos did and Christ said he knew all about it.