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他不怀好意地笑,…He laughed nastily and walked away.

纹身男不怀好意的朝我靠了过来。The tattooed man leans toward me ominously.

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伍兹的威尔即使跪下也对她投以不怀好意的一瞥。Will of the Woods leered at her even as he took a knee.

没有。在之前的24小时内都没有不怀好意的活动。No. The hostiles have not shown up within the last 24 hours.

约翰就是这样一个不怀好意的人。他总是要破坏我的好心情。John is such a hater. He's always trying to ruin my good mood.

他躲在母亲臂弯里不怀好意地朝哈利撇嘴一笑。He shot Harry a nasty grin through the gap in his mother's arms.

老虎在角落里眼睛一眨不眨地看着他,不怀好意。The tiger stared at him from its corners, malevolent and unblinking.

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我们的部分程序被不怀好意之人给修改了。Some parts of our programs are modified by some ill-disposed persons.

房间角落里,装得满满的洗衣篮不怀好意地盯着我。An overflowing laundry basket stares menacingly from the corner of the room.

有一回,年长的那个宦官回过头来,冲我不怀好意地笑了笑。Once the elder of the two turned round, and smiled at me with an evil smile.

也许他们因为厌烦之前会面的人,所以假定你也不怀好意。Maybe they've been harassed by people before and assume you have bad intentions.

面对一个明显不怀好意的记者,主人公应该透露给他多少敏感信息?How much access to sensitive information should he grant to an apparently hostile reporter?

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我知道你认为特里斯坦配不上肖恩,但是别这么不怀好意啦,我觉得他们还是不错的一对。I know you don't think Tristan deserves Shawn, but don't be a hater. I think they make a cute couple.

其漏洞在于,在配额交易的保守派反对者的强烈反对呼声中,带有不怀好意之嫌。The giveaway is the strong tendency of conservative opponents of cap and trade to argue in bad faith.

卷头发的高女生和硬肘子的大男生开始不怀好意地推我。Tall girls with frizzled hair, and hugeboys with sharp elbows, began to prod me with hideous interest.

怎样阻止不怀好意的人,或持有偏见的人篡改、丑化或删除内容呢?What is there to stop people with bad intentions, or just bias, altering, defacing or deleting content?

有时候,你对人生所有的规划,抵不过命运一次不怀好意的安排。Sometimes, all the planning you make for life can't avoid the ill-disposed arrangements made by destiny.

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真不知道他到底是真心诚意的赞赏,还是在布下不怀好意的借刀杀人阴谋。I really don't know if it is a heartfelt appreciation or merely setting the motions for the great fallout.

某些情况下,幽灵不怀好意,作为恐吓和控制的形式对人进行性侵犯。In some cases, the poltergeist is malignant, sexually violating its victim as a form of terror or control.

陆涛不怀好意询问雷子枫拿了什么东西,雷子枫则警告对方少管闲事。LiuTao up to no good asking LeiZiFeng took something, LeiZiFeng is warning the other mind your own business.