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全面发展的学前教育。Round development of the pre-school education.

你还把它叫做一种学前教育编程语言,还记得吧?You called it a script kiddy language, remember?

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加快发展学前教育。We will speed up the development of preschool education.

错过了学前教育这一关键期则往往事倍功半。So it would make things worse if they miss such education.

陈鹤琴先生是中国现代学前教育的奠基者。Mr. Chen Heqin is the founder of Chinese preschool education.

直到20世纪初期,才出现了学前教育机构。Until the early 20th century, it came with a pre-school institutions.

基础教育包含着学前教育和初级教育。Primary education includes pre-school education and elementary education.

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加强学前教育和特殊教育学校建设。We will improve preschool education and develop special education schools.

义务教育应优先提高学前教育。Popularization of compulsory pre-school education should be given priority.

错过了学前教育这一关键期则往往事倍功半。Missed this critical period of pre-school education are often less effective.

初等教育为四年,之前有一年的学前教育。Primary education lasts for four years preceded by one year of pre-school education.

在这种情况下,我国的近代学前教育才开始产生并逐步发展起来。In this case, our modern pre-school education began to produce and develop gradually.

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最好的政策,例如,好的学前教育和军队服务,会强化人们之间感情的纽带。The best policies, like good preschool and military service, fortify emotional bonds.

学前教育机构、教师、家长、儿童均能从家长志愿者的服务中获益。Parent volunteer service benefit preschools, teachers, parents and children in America.

这样,就使近代学前教育的产生,有了客观的需要。Thus, to enable the emergence of modern pre-school education, with the objective needs.

重视学前教育,关心特殊教育。We will also attach importance to pre-school education and care about special education.

学券制将为我们大部分的学童带来更优质的学前教育。Vouchers will help a large number of our young children get a better pre-school education.

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实施学前教育的民办学校,以月为单位收取费用。A privately-run school that carries out pre-school education shall charge fee by the month.

卢志华说,市政府将加快推进市区学前教育改革发展。Lu said the city government will actively promote preschool education reform in the future.

高校学前教育专业是培养高素质高质量幼儿教师的重要途径。The pre-school education is an important way in training high-quality kindergarten teachers.