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婊子来啊!Come on bitch!

杀了那婊子!Kill the fucker!

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把它吃了吧,婊子!Eat it, bitches!!!

嗨,给我收声,婊子!Hey, shut up, bitch!

裁判是个婊子。C. The Ref is a wanker.

她居然叫你‘婊子’!She’s calling you ‘bitch’!

好吧,什么…滚开,婊子!Okay. What- Not now, bitch!

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嫉妒那个婊子人偶!Jealous of that bitchy doll!

有谁能杀了那个婊子吗?Can some one kill that bitch?

给我把歌换回来,婊子!Put that music back on, whore!

你个婊子养的杂种,要不亲我的屁股吧?Son of bitch. Kiss my ass , OK?

那个婊子养的,算了吧。That son of a bitch, forget it.

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你这该死的婊子养的孬种!You damned lily livered coward!

你就是个完美的婊子养的。You are a perfect son-of-a-bitch.

那妄自尊大的婊子是谁啊?Who was that self-important bitch?

林奇饰演的则是一个穿运动服的婊子。Lynch plays a bitch in a tracksuit.

金钱是个永不休眠的婊子,而且是个醋坛子。Money is a bitch that never sleeps.

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你为什么要像个婊子一样!Why did you have to be such aBit℃h!

草你妈,陈红你个婊子养的!Grass your mother, Chen you a bitch!

那个哈丽雅特是个心肠冷酷的婊子。That Harriet is a cold-hearted bitch.