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就像一颗启明星。Like a guiding star.

启明星,是代表爱与美。Venus, representing love and beauty.

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你轻轻地来了,伴着一颗启明星。Slightly, you came with the morning star.

但那少年却回答道,“我就是启明星。" But he answered, "I am the Morning Star.

我觉得,我觉得,我觉得我像一颗启明星。I feel, I feel, I feel like a mor-ning star.

来日方长,太阳只是颗启明星。There's still time, the sun just single phosphor.

摘取属于自己的那颗梦想的启明星。To pick up the star that will take us to our dream.

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我们的爱会像启明星一样迎领我们前行。Our love will lead the way for us like a guiding star.

他是球队的启明星,球队的领导者,球队格局的制裁者。He is the team's star, its leader and its arbiter of style.

姐姐在黎明前醒了过来,看到启明星刚刚升起。The elder awoke before dawn, and saw the Morning Star just rising.

最后,她把妹妹给叫醒说,“看看那颗启明星吧。At last she called her sister and said, "Look at the Morning Star."

星孩便在太阳月亮和启明星的家里住了下来。Star-Boy lived in the home of the Sun and the Moon with Morning Star.

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启明星还没睡醒,我们的旗帜已在风中腊腊飘响。Venus has not awake, our flag had been floating in the wind wax wax ring.

这儿有个例子,长庚星和启明星在古代都是金星的别称。So here's an example uh, Hesperus and Phosphorus are ancient names for Venus.

启明星,象征着迷茫中的希望,引领方向的的标志。Venus, a symbol of the confusion in the hope to lead the direction of the sign.

当女孩到家时,启明星和他妈妈月亮正在等她。When she reached home, Morning Star and his Mother the Moon were waiting for her.

在这2个星期的时间里,有一颗幸运星象启明星一样照亮着我的生活和事业!In this 2 weeks, have similar a lucky astrology star to illuminate my the life and the business!

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这个女孩长久地凝望着那颗星,她有了一种奇异的幻觉,好像启明星就是她的情人。The girl looked long at the Star, and she had strange fancies, and imagined that he was her lover.

接着启明星把星孩带到他的父亲和母亲——太阳和月亮那里,告诉了他们星孩的身份。Then he brought him to his father and mother, the Sun and the Moon, and told them who the boy was.

当弥尔顿写道启明星,“不久便会修复他疲惫的头颅“,我们会想起俄耳甫斯,“…When the speaker writes that the day-star yet anon repairs his drooping head," we are reminded of Orpheus.