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相信假以时日,韬光养晦,川籍艺术家将再次崛起。Believe that, over time, stronger productions artists will rise once again.

中国的利比亚政策是与韬光养晦原则的决裂。China’s policy on Libya is clearly a break from the principle of keeping-low-profile.

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本文以“韬光养晦”外交战略为主线,共有四个部分。This paper is on the main line of "Keeping a Low Profile" diplomatic strategy and has four parts.

经过几年的韬光养晦,预计蛰伏数年的欧盟银行将再次掀起并购的浪潮。After years of dormancy, the forthcoming years will see a new surge of M&A activities in EU banking.

经过十多年的审时度势,他的性格依然是那么让人捉摸不透,韬光养晦高深莫测。After more than a decade of scrutiny, his nature remains enigmatic and his depths not quite fully fathomed.

即使那些坚持韬光养晦政策的中国人也不反对派兵。Even those Chinese who think we should continue to keep a low profile did not oppose sending military forces to Libya.

随着经济的繁荣和国力的增长,北京不再韬光养晦,而是采取行动维护自身。With its economy thriving and its capabilities growing, Beijing is no longer biding its time but acting to assert itself.

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在最近街上发生的混乱中,穆斯林兄弟会显然是在韬光养晦,也许都在等着看好戏。In the recent turmoil in the streets, the Brothers kept a noticeably low profile, perhaps waiting to see how things would unfold.

鉴于在其他两场战争中陷入困境,美国总统奥巴马韬光养晦,让欧洲人出风头的策略无比英明。With the United States bogged down in two other wars, President Obama was right to step back quickly and let the Europeans take the lead.

雷与惊禅对峙,怎料最后兄弟二人均丧命于楚人手中,究竟楚王是否实意归降,还是韬光养晦装腔作势,另有打算?Finally , Ray reached the main hall , in front of the king and the king was surprised to find flatter , really know the king to surrender in Wei.

而中国大陆呢?一来因为国家总体实力还未达到一定的强度上,正处于韬光养晦的阶段。Mainland China is «the one hand because the overall national strength has not yet reached a certain intensity, is in hiding one's capacity stage.

如果中国人怀有宏伟的地缘政治扩张计划的话,他们显然将实施的日期一推再推——“韬光养晦”,邓如是说。If China has grand plans of geo-political expansion, then it has clearly deferred them for another day–”conceal brilliance, cultivate obscurity,” said Deng Xiaoping.

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如果中国人怀有宏伟的地缘政治扩张计划的话,他们显然将实施的日期一推再推——“韬光养晦”,邓如是说。If China has grand plans of geo-political expansion, then it has clearly deferred them for another day--"conceal brilliance, cultivate obscurity, " said Deng Xiaoping.

笔者通过对“韬光养晦”外交战略的内涵、背景原因、历史功用等方面的总结分析,来尝试对它进行有深度地分析。Through the analysis of content, backgrounds and historic function of " Keeping a Low Profile" diplomatic strategy, the author tries to conduct in-depth analysis of it.