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我们可以束手待毙,或者学会冲浪,驾驭浪潮。We can do nothing and get swamped, or learn to surf and ride the wave.

当你剩下的,只有一卷铺盖的时候,你将很难再安于“轮椅上的革命”——只知道发牢骚,却继续束手待毙。When all you have is a roll-up mattress, it's hard to stay an armchair revolutionary.

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他,作为一个人,不再奋斗,是他那不愿束手待毙的生命力逼迫他向前走。He, as a man, no longer strove. It was the life in him, unwilling to die, that drove him on.

所以当日本轰炸机从海上飞来的时候,那些战舰和驱逐舰只能束手待毙。So the battleships and destros were sitting ducks when the Japanese bombers swept in from the sea.

所以当日本轰炸机从海上飞来的时候,那些战舰和驱逐舰只能束手待毙。So the battleships and destroyers were sitting ducks when the Japanese bombers swept in from the sea.

所以当日本轰炸机从海上飞来的时候,那些战舰和驱逐舰只能束手待毙。So the battleships and destroyers were sitting ducks when the Japanese bombers swept in from the sea.

不论是凶悍的松毛虫,还是遍身毒毛的刺蛾,一遇蠋蝽便束手待毙。Aggressive pine caterpillar and cup moths armed with poisonous hair can do nothing but await destruction when attacked by stinkbugs.

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有些人燃起了一线模模糊糊的求生的欲望,他们不愿在这枪林弹雨中束手待毙。Then the gloomy love of life awoke once more in some of them. Many, finding themselves under the muzzles of this forest of guns, did not wish to die.

由于从山坡向上攀爬被成排的因维士兵所阻止,在无机兽大军毫无顾忌地推进下又只能束手待毙,这些形如狐狸的外星人正在被大肆屠杀。Prevented from ascending the hillside by rows of Invid soldiers and vulnerable below to the Inorganics' unchecked advance, the vulpine XTs were being slaughtered.

那是一个星期天的清晨,美国人根本没有得到警告。所以当日本轰炸机从海上飞来的时候,那些战舰和驱逐舰只能束手待毙。It was early on a Sunday morning and the Americans had no warning. So the battleships and destroyers were sitting ducks when the Japanese bombers swept in from the sea.

而饭店餐饮要与社会餐馆竞争虽有一些不能等同比较的制约条件,但这并不意味着饭店就只能望洋兴叹,束手待毙。Hotels and restaurants catering to the community and not the same competition although some comparisons constraints, but this does not mean that the hotel will only slide, wait to die.