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记住卡罗尔神圣的嘱托。Remember Carroll's sacred trust.

在老师的嘱托下,我们很幸福。In the teachers of entrust, we are very happy.

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他把他的孩子嘱托给一位忠实的朋友照料。He entrusted his children to a faithful friend.

之后,罗京再一次嘱托该记者转达他对观众的感谢。Afterward, the Luo Beijing entrusts this reporter to convey him again to audience's thanks.

带着父亲的嘱托,小乔治向邻国英格兰出发,去找寻自己的梦想。Taking father's entrust, small George sets out to neighbour England, go searching oneself dream.

西弗勒斯·斯内普,你能否照顾德拉科·马尔福助他完成黑魔王的嘱托?Will you, Severus Snape, watch over Draco Malfoy as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes?

一位伟人的嘱托,一部著作的问世,揭开了中国资本主义萌芽的迷离的面纱。A great man's entrustment and a book's publishment uncovered the veil of the seed of capitalism in China.

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如果有出院带药,一定记得听医生的嘱托按时服药哟!If you have discharge medication, please remember to follow your doctor's prescription to take the medicine.

国际部队在联合国的支持下,已被嘱托到发生骚乱的区域。An interning force under the aegis of the United Ns has startistic creationed dispatched to the troubled area.

开庭审判时,丰美突然推翻了自己的证词,改口说户谷是受了自己的嘱托。When the trial, medium-bodied suddenly overturned its own testimony, the valley of households now say the entrust by.

老王后非常爱她这个孩子,给她安排了一个侍女陪同她一道前往,千叮咛,万嘱托,要侍女把她的女儿送到新郎手中。She likewise assigned to her a chambermaid, who was to ride with her, and deliver her into the hands of the bridegroom.

然后,她找来最要好的同事,就是那位给我送信的异国姑娘,交待嘱托了一切。Then she sent for her recommended colleague- the foreign girl who sent me the letter- and entrusted her with everything.

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郑和下西洋的和平使命是明成祖亲授的,郑和忠实地执行和完成了成祖的嘱托和重任。Zheng's mission was given by Emperor Yongle in person, and Zheng faithfully fulfilled Yongle's entrustment and completed his task.

我知道,我如果长成了那样一个人,不仅完成全家的嘱托不成问题,而且会是仪表堂堂。I know if I were him, I would have no difficulties in accomplishing the exhortations of the family, and I would be a striking figure.

我们将以优质的服务做好顾客交给的每一次任务,以热情的态度去完成顾客的每一次嘱托!We will provide the high quality service to the customers to every task, to warm attitude to complete customer's every entrust! ! ! ! !

带着奶奶的嘱托,淅沥秋雨中,我驱车去乡下寻那遥远的根和儿时渺如烟波的记忆。With Grandma 's entrust, come autumn rain, I drove to the countryside in search of the distant roots and childhood are fantastic memory.

孙作龙不但没说一句怪罪徒弟的话,甚至几次嘱托家人"练武之人,意外也难免,不要怪娃娃"。He did not blame his student, and even asked his family "not to blame the child since accidents are unavoidable for kung fu practitioners.

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孙作龙不但没说一句怪罪徒弟的话,甚至几次嘱托家人"练武之人,意外也难免,不要怪娃娃"。He did not blame his student, and even asked his family "not to blame the child since accidents are unavoidable for kung fu practitioners."

只是一味的放逐自己,浪费着寸金难买的寸光阴,忽视亲朋好友的叮咛,嘱托,终究造成了肉体的折磨,精神的愧疚!Just relax, wasting money can't buy an inch of time, neglecting friends advice, orders, eventually causing physical torture, spiritual guilt!

高文彦受高虹的嘱托回来劝姗姗,姗姗却要强吻文彦,文彦见压服不了姗姗,一气之下转身分开了家里。GaoWenYan by GaoHong entrust back advised shanshan, shanshan but strong lips WenYan, WenYan see crush not shanshan, flay turned to separate the home.