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我必须再一次浪迹天涯。I must wander again all over the world.

很长一段时间石涛都在过着浪迹天涯的生活。Shi led a wandering life for a long time.

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当时,浪迹天涯的吟游歌手到处受欢迎。In those days wandering minstrels were welcome everywhere.

我必须重回大海的怀抱,回到浪迹天涯的无拘生活。I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant Gypsy life.

尽不知思念无味浪迹天涯独取一瓢思念黄河水。Do not miss tasteless roaming alone took a gourd ladle thoughts of water.

还有那浪迹天涯的游子,我会指引他找到回家的路。And lonely travelers wandering free, Will find their way back home with me.

卑微的漂泊者浪迹天涯,在我的文字里留下你的足印吧。O troupe of little vagrants of the word, leave your footprints in my words.

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从此,雷米开始了他以流浪小艺人身份浪迹天涯的生活。Since then, Remy got his start to stray artist rove all over the world life.

绝望中,你浪迹天涯,在虚无的快乐中寻找幸福。In your despair you wander about vainly seeking contentment in empty pleasure.

她已经远去。我的余生里,谁将会陪伴我浪迹天涯呢?She is gone forever. Who is going to be roaming this tiny planet with me for the rest of my life?

一壶飘泊浪迹天涯难入喉,你走之后酒暖回忆思念瘦。End of the World traces a pot of rover Ruhou hard, you go after the wine warm memories of lean thinking.

他书房里满是浪迹天涯时,搜罗来的世界各地纪念品。His library displayed miscellanea of mementos from different parts of the world, a lifetime of traveling.

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孤寂的初冬,伤痛的心灵,今生,愿为了你,带着一根烟,浪迹天涯。Lonely winter, suffering soul, life, is willing to work for you, with a cigarette, rove all over the world.

我们和浪迹天涯的人相比,只是多了一个物质的外壳。We compare with wave vestige the person of the limits of the earth, just having another a material of outer shell.

在那个时候,那些浪迹天涯的教徒惯常披甲戴盔,手持打仗的兵器进行操练。It was a period when the religious exiles were accustomed to Buckle on their armor, and practise the handling of their weapons of war.

跋涉是为了找寻希望,、即使浪迹天涯,一个脚印,便是人生希望的起点。I trudge for the sake of seeking hope. I may have to rove all over the world , but a single foot print is the staring point of the hope of life.

现在的他尽管看重与家人相处的时间,却不打算放弃诗人兼浪迹天涯的苍发歌手生活。And while today he places great value on the time he has with his family, he is not ready to surrender his life as a poet and grizzled troubadour.

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现代侠女为爱而背叛猫哥,把公路当作江湖,最终却选择浪迹天涯而非卿卿我我。A modern heroine who betrays Brother Cat for love, she treats the road as the world, but eventually chooses to roam the world over romantic intimacy.

人在江湖必浪迹天涯,我自持剑走天下,虽有剑圣之称,却从无棋逢对手!People in the river's lake will be roaming, I walk the world tremble sword, although if the blademaster said, but from no diamond cut diamond! ! ! ! !

看我凋落的过程从你的唇边飘零你盛开爱情的泥沼可曾浪迹天涯。Looked my weakly fall the process faded and fallen you was in full bloom the love mire from yours lip to be possible once to wander all over the world.