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猎场看守人睡着了。The gamekeeper is asleep.

猎场看守人开始剥兔皮。The game-keeper began to skin the rabbit.

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这群人那天上午去了松鸡猎场。The party had been to the grouse moors that morning.

除此之外,还有大量的人从事猎场看守人的工作。In addition, there were large numbers of men still employed as gamekeepers.

直到2005年四月,加力都是当地的缫斯到恩和爱瑞齐猎场的主人。Until April 2005 Gary was also Master of the local Southdown and Eridge Hunt.

1880年,哈里•扬特被任命为猎场看守人,其职能是控制公园里的偷猎和肆意破坏公共财产。In 1880, Harry Yount was appointed as a gamekeeper to control poaching and vandalism in the park.

猎场看守人忿忿不平地说,“要是乡绅因为利弗西医生的缘故就不讲话了,那才真怪哩,我想。”" growled the gamekeeper. "A pretty rum go if squire ain't to talk for Dr. Livesey, I should think.

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当麦卡锡父子走出猎场看守人威廉•克劳德的视野后,别人看见了他们。The two McCarthys were seen after the time when William Crowder, the game-keeper, lost sight of them.

在这块庇护地,猎场看守人可能会种一些野生谷物为他主人的狩猎吸引动物。Within this sanctuary a gamekeeper might plant wild grain to attract favored animals for his lord's hunt.

如果我们在猎场有争执,通常我们用不流血的方式解决。If we had any disputes about hunting grounds, they were generally settled without the shedding of much blood.

猎场看守,学校钥匙保管员,1993年秋成为保护神奇生物课教师。Gamekeeper and Keeper of the Keys at Hogwarts, in the fall of 1993 he also became the Care of Magical Creatures teacher.

一个是个老妇人,报纸没有提到她的姓名,另一个是特纳先生雇佣的猎场看守人威廉•克劳德。One was an old woman, whose name is not mentioned, and the other was William Crowder, a game-keeper in the employ of Mr.

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这个名字来源于苏格兰猎场看护人在杀死手受伤的兔子时所引起的慢性韧带损伤。The name comes from the chronic ligament damage incurred by Scottish gamekeepers in the course of killing wounded rabbits.

以前,战场和猎场是考验男子汉阳刚之气的场所,你们的父辈总是站在前列。In other days, when the battle and the bunting-fields were the tests of manly vigor, your fathers were first and foremost there.

“好啦,谁更正确些?”猎场看守人忿忿不平地说,“要是乡绅因为利弗西医生的缘故就不讲话了,那才真怪哩,我想。”"Well, who's a better right?" growled the gamekeeper. "A pretty rum go if squire ain't to talk for Dr. Livesey, I should think. "

这兴许是对的,但不要指望你带着椅子,走到猎场,放鹰,然后坐下来看他抓鸟。This can be true but don't expect to just walk into a field with your lawn chair, release your merlin and watch it fly down birds.

手掌指骨的尺侧副韧带受的伤,通俗的说就是猎场看护人手指。Injury to the ulnar collateral ligament of the metacarpophalangeal joint trips off the tongue more agreeably as gamekeeper's thumb.

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你可以把你的生物设置成静止,就像雕像那样。也可以把它们放在围栏里,那样像个动物园。或者让他们乱跑,像个游猎场那样。You can set your creations to stationary as if they were statues, put them in fenced zones like a zoo, or let them run wild like a safari.

小教堂设在如此富于猎物的花园或猎场当中,就使得对这位圣徒化了的猎人所作的这一奉献显得特别得体。The situation of the chapel in the midst of a park or chase, so richly stocked with game, made the dedication to the Sainted Huntsman peculiarly appropriate.

无论是在日常训练中还是在埜外猎场,灰背隼都不会结束带食,除非它和鹰师树立了坚固的信赖关系。A merlin is not going to stop carrying until it has established a trusting relationship with you, either in the field or under a controlled training situation.