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他不慌不忙地将信从信封里取出打开来。Slowly he pulled the letter out of the envelop, and unfolded it.

信从一个人手中传到另一个人手里,直到大家都看过了。The letter passed from one to another until everyone had read it.

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赵俊信从奶奶那里学到了刺绣的手艺。Zhao Junxin learned the craft of embroidering from his grandmother.

代表,如何获取电子信从手工,留下您的祖先。Represent, to how obtain electronic letter from the artefact, left by your ancestor.

信从邮箱中取出,然后被送到分拣处。The letters are collected from postboxes. They are then taken to the sorting office.

故此,神就给他们一个生发错误的心,叫他们信从虚谎。And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie

任用这些人从事卜筮时,三个人的占卜,应当信从其中两个人的判断。In divination, the judgement of two men out of the three engaged in it should be followed.

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他在邮政总局门口碰见一个伶俐的邮差,拿着信从邮局走出来,去送早班信。At the door he met an intelligent postman coming out with letters for the morning delivery.

因此,我既听见你们信从主耶稣,亲爱众圣徒Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints

年夜爱无疆,置信从五湖四海地传来地自己们地爱,必然可以给你们力气,给你们暖和!Great Love, I believe that's coming from all our love, we can give you strength, give you warm!

就照耶和华在以色列人面前所赶出的亚摩利人,行了最可憎恶的事,信从偶像。He behaved in the vilest manner by going after idols, like the Amorites the Lord drove out before Israel.

可是,百夫长宁信从舵手和船主,不听保禄所说的话。But the centurion believed the pilot and the master of the ship, more than those things which were said by Paul.

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这样可以确保信从信封中取出时少些折痕,从而吸引人并易于阅读。This ensures that the letter will be less creased and thus more attractive and easy to read when it is taken out of the envelope.

就照耶和华在以色列人面前所赶出的亚摩利人,行了最可憎恶的事,信从偶像。And he did very abominably in following idols, according to all things as did the Amorites, whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.

他们在依科尼雍,还是照样进犹太人的会堂讲道,以致有很多犹太人和希腊人信从了。And it came to pass in Iconium, that they entered together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spoke that a very great multitude both of the Jews and of the Greeks did believe.

研读加拉太书,经文显露出它是使徒保罗最激动的书信,因为当中批评加拉太人信从别的福音,想靠守律法、靠自己的努力得救,而非靠恩典得到救赎。A study of the biblical book of Galatians reveals that it is Paul's most fiery letter—criticizing the people for legalism, self-effort, and the exchange of grace for a different gospel.

故此,神就给他们一个生发错误的心,叫他们信从虚谎,使一切不信真理,倒喜爱不义的人,都被定罪For this reason,God sends them a powerful delusion, leading them to believe what is false so that all who have not believed the truth but to pleasure in unrighteousness will be condemned.