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我傻乎乎地笑了笑。I just smiled like a twit.

有害的“脂肪”能使你傻乎乎么?Can “bad” fats make you dumb?

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除此之外,它不再是过去傻乎乎大笑的它。Besides, it aint the giggle it used to be.

你穿那身傻乎乎的白西装做什么?What are you wearing that stupid while suit for?

我们跳舞的时候才不会像个搅拌器里的青蛙,傻乎乎的。We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing.

杰西刚剪头发戴上新眼镜的样子看起来傻乎乎的。Jesse looks so dorky with his new haircut and glasses.

接着,我还“傻乎乎”地为小手帕祈祷。Then, I also "silly" to pray for a small handkerchief.

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“不过还是让她去吧,杰克,”可怜的傻乎乎的妻子劝着丈夫说。But do let her go, Jacky, ' coaxed his poor witless wife.

我想女王不会喜欢被人傻乎乎地盯住不放。I expected that the Queen does not enjoy being gawked at.

你发短信给我,让我快马加鞭地赶过来,现在却让我傻乎乎地等你。You text me to rush over here and now you want me to wait.

穿着当年华服的女人们,带着当年的那些小道具,看起来只是傻乎乎的。Women in the costumes with the period props are just silly.

小孩子抿了抿嘴唇,傻乎乎地笑了。The child puckered up her lips and began to smile innocently.

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飘渺的我像一头开心的小猪,每天只知道傻乎乎地吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐。I' like a little happy pig, simply eating and playing each day.

没人想在开始做一份新工作时傻乎乎地或做出不恰当的事。No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job.

啊,那些充满高贵憧憬和高尚奋斗的傻乎乎的时光!Ah, those foolish days of noble longings and of noble strivings !

模特儿带着傻乎乎的微笑望着镜子里自己的相貌。The model looked at her reflection in the mirror with an idiotic simper.

她的男朋友像一个傻乎乎的为爱生病小狗不会让她走出他的视线。Her boyfriend is like a love-sick puppy that wouldn't let her out of his sight.

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有时,初次认识卡罗尔的人会认为她是一个傻乎乎的没头脑的金发女人。Sometimes when people first meet Carol, they think she is a bit of blond airhead.

王说的“单纯”是什么意思?在美国人听来和“傻乎乎的“差不多,这词听着可是挺危险的。What did Wang mean by “simple”? Sounds dangerously close to "dumb" to American ears.

法国的电影制造商们擅长出品一些傻乎乎的喜剧,让外国观众觉得不值一看。FRENCH film-makers are good at turning out silly comedies that foreingners find unwatchable.