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我怎样才能让学生心服口服?。How can I get across to the students?

是啊,与其打嘴杖,不如凭实力对绝时让她心服口服!!Love Argentina, Maradona is the soccer in my heart!

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老板做了一个公平决定,他们都心服口服。Their boss made a fair decision that they could both respect.

巴塞罗那一边倒的胜利是令人心服口服的。Which would make Barcelona's lopsided win even more impressive.

布莱克本其中有不少机会但他们对此结果也只得心服口服。Rovers had their chances but they could hardly complain about the result.

你可以用钱买通,但只有铁血才能让他心服口服。You can buy a man with gold, but only blood and steel will keep him true.

原来狗娃只是“吓鸡儆猴”,众人由此心服口服。Original gowardesh just watch frightened chicken monkey, and thus take orally.

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但愿有哪位长辈的才华、上智与博爱能让我心服口服。I wish one eldership 's ability, wisdom and kindheartedness could make me convinced.

问题是真理令人心服口服,谁不能被它说服呢。The problem was the Truth was so convincing how could anyone not be persuaded by it.

一个好的领导果断,并且在作出正确的决定时能够让别人心服口服。A good leader is decisive and will always back himself up when making the correct decision.

对于大陆厂商在仿冒方面的执着,我们真是心服口服了。For manufacturers in the mainland area of persistent piracy, we can all be convinced of it.

为了让其别人心服口服,谢雷震用激将法让安也参与了义卖运动。In order to let the others take orally, XieLeiZhen goad to let Ann was also involved in the sale of sports.

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要想使人心服口服,不会背叛,那就必须做到“卮言日出,和以天倪”。To convince and conform others really, you have to speak of unprejudiced word so as to reach the nature realm.

作为中国国家队主教练,他应该体现更多的体育精神来,输得心服口服。"As the national coach of China, he should demonstrate more of a sporting spirit and be a good sporting loser, " he said.

雷远义正言辞的讲说,让战士们心服口服,士气再次被鼓舞,大家对接来下的任务有了更高的热情。LeiYuanYi are words speak, let the soldiers take orally, morale was again, everyone to the docking task with higher enthusiasm.

当听到某个攀岩者因为“曾经”减轻体重才完攀的路线,许多人对他或她的成功并不心服口服。You often hear a lot of people try to take away other climbers' ascents because he or she "had" to lose weight to send the route.

一个想在男权社会事业有成的女性要想让男人们心服口服,大概唯有成为女老板不可。Women carving out a career in a male-dominated environment might expect there is one thing guaranteed to work in their favor – a female boss.

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科勒承认本场他的球队输得心服口服,但是他希望上赛季赢得英冠淘汰赛晋级的球员们改善一下后防线。Coyle admits that his side deserved to lose, but he is keen to see his team, who won last season's Championship play-off, improve defensively.

有一天象考试似的耳闻目睹我整个作画过程,才“心服口服”。Some celesitial phenomenon test resembles the what one sees and hears and I entire do painting the process, only then"is sincerely convinced".

演讲的好处不止这些,它还可以让人变得更加自信,特别是在演讲者成功地让听众心服口服的时候。Public speaking has fringe benefits too. It is a confidence booster and empowers the speaker if he successfully gets his audience agree with him.