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他非常勤快。He was ever so diligent.

科科现在十分勤快。Koko's very helpful now.

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工作又勤快,我看他保准大获成功。And work hard, I think he will go far.

詹姆斯,多用脑筋并且工作勤快些吧!James, use your head and work harder! str2

王宝强是个出身农村的勤快人。Wang is a hardworking man from a rural area.

她比别的保姆更勤快吗?Does she work harder than the other baby-sitters?

我是一个勤快的劳动者,学习能力强而且非常有活力。I am a hardworker, have lots of energy and am a quick learner

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他很勤快,把握各种打杂的机会赚钱,事实上,如书中的叙述。He was always on the lookout for new money-making opportunities.

好的,但我真的希望看到你勤快一点把自己的房间保持干净。Yes, but I really want to see you work hander to keep your room neat.

你怎么能厚着脸皮抱怨说别人不勤快呢?How can you have the gall to complain about other people's being lazy?

跳完舞,她回来继续勤快地纺纱。After her dance she went back to her spinning and worked industriously.

你怎么能厚着脸皮报怨说别人不勤快?How call you have the gall to complain about other people's being lazy?

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杰克是个聪明的孩子,他身强力壮,性情温厚,手脚勤快。Jack was a clever boy, strong, good-natured , and ready with his hands.

虽然我没见过这个叔叔,但偶尔能听到我妈夸他勤快。Though I never see him, my mother often praised he was a hardworking person.

请你放心,我办起事来既勤快又小心。Send back your answer as soon as you can, and be careful to write explicitly.

这我就纳闷了,平常一项懒惰的他怎么今天变得如此勤快咧?This I wonder, usually a lazy how he became so hard-working discomposed today?

阿采尔不再懒惰,成为当地最勤快的商人。Atzel stopped being lazy and became the most diligent merchant in the whole place.

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上课时即使听得再认真、笔记做得再勤快,也不免有疏失之处。You may lose some information even though you listen carefully and take notes in time.

她不晓得那老人如此勤快地采集的是哪种药草。She wondered what sort of herbs they were, which the old man was so sedulous to gather.

他能力强,人品好,办事勤快,显然会步步高升的。In the light of his aptitude, personality and diligence, he will surly be promoted soon.