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他们将行囊装在杰克的小型巴士上朝北开去。So they loaded up Jack's minivan and headed north.

有东西爬到我的腿上,又往上朝我的下巴爬行。Something climbed onto my leg and crept up to my chin.

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一会儿饼子烤好,方献夫用布包好,匆匆上朝去了。While pancake baked, Fang Xian-fu cloth, to rush towards a go.

她正在火车上朝她的朋友们挥动一条白色的手绢。She is waving a white handkerchief to her friends on the train.

他的电表实际上朝后转,这样就减少了电费。His electric meter actually runs backward, thus reducing his bill.

楼在光天化日的西贡大街上朝那人头部开枪。Loan shot the man in the head in broad daylight on the street in Saigon.

他设法使每个人在这些问题上朝同一方向努力。He tried to get everyone marching in the same direction on these questions.

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晏子上朝时乘坐的是破旧的车子,来车的是劣弱的马。Yanzi went to the palace in a broken carriage pulled by thin and weak horses.

她向上朝我看了一眼,而后傻笑,这次她气息在月夜下向上升腾。She glances up at me and smirks, this time exhaling her breath upward into the moonlight.

它趴在井沿上朝井里一看,咦,井里有一个又大又圆的月亮。It lying on the edge of the well towards a well and a look, Huh, well and a big round moon.

攀援向上朝向上的方向生长,如某些植物,通常以缠绕茎干或卷须向上攀援。To grow in an upward direction, as some plants do, often by means of twining stems or tendrils.

当他们在车道上朝大房子走时,朗尼听着猪的哼声。Lonnie listened to the grunting of the pigs as they walked up the driveway towards the big house.

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他那天在同一条大道上朝东走,认出了赫斯渥,不过只是在他过去以后才认出他。Dr. Beale, coming east on the same drive, had recognised Hurstwood, but not before he was quite past him.

邻居门围在门口凝神看着,一溜小男孩爬到窗外的木条上朝面里观望。The neighbors peered around the doorway, and a line of little boys clambered on the window bars and looked through.

仍然有乘客在电车里,我一只脚踏在电车的台阶上朝里面看,车厢前尚有15或16名乘客。I put my foot onto the steps of the car and I looked inside. There were perhaps 15 or 16 people in front of the car.

宣祖因战争的消息气急病倒,但仍然带病上朝,并要求逮捕金诚一。XuanZu due to short of breath fall ill, the news of the war but still to court, in spite of to arrest the jin cheng a.

从前在山林中住着一只猴子。猴子每天都爬到树上朝河上观望。Once upon a time, there lived a monkey in the woods. The monkey climbed up the tree and looked down at the river everyday.

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第二天,杨坚在上朝时间当着众官的面宣布废除太子的职位。The second day, YangJian in hold court time in front of the officer face announced the abolition of a prince of the position.

可是那天清晨上朝得到楚王的任命,回来后心里就思索着如何克服困难,如何完成任务。Since the morning when I am appointed as the missioner, I have been considering how to overwhelm the hardship to accomplish it.

可是自那天清晨上朝接到楚王的任命,回来后心里就一直苦苦思索著如何克服这个困难,如何才能完成任务。Since the morning when I am appointed as the missioner , I have been considering how to overwhelm the hardship to accomplish it.