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历经严酷的训练是完善自我的必由之路。After rigorous training is the only way to self-perfection.

因此,提高ITO粉体品质是必由之路。Therefore, improving ITO powder quality is an evitable road.

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起着承前启后的中介桥梁作用,是完好作文的必由之路。As it functions as a bridge and it is the only way to a good composition.

合作化道路是中国农村发展的必由之路。Thirdly, cooperative road is the only road for China's rural development.

评课是课后反思的重要手段,是成长为精品教师的必由之路。Commenting lectures are the necessary road to become the advanced teachers.

“文学化过程”是民间艺术样式提升层次的必由之路。Literature" expression is the only way of sublimation of Chinese folk art."

举例来说,NASA早期的失败被视为通向光辉未来的必由之路。NASA's early failures were seen as steps along the way to a glorious future.

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健全法制是从根本上解决安全生产问题的必由之路。To amplify law system can solve the safety problems in production basically.

无论你选择哪一种职业,接受良好的教育都是必由之路,别无选择。You're going to need a good education for every single one of those careers.

“依法治校”是高校学生管理的必由之路。Administer college by law is the only way for management of college students.

再社会化是帮助下岗职工重新择业的必由之路。Re-socialization is the necessary way to help laid-off workers to be re-employed.

坚持走群众路线是全面贯彻落实以人为本的必由之路。Adhering to the Mass Line is the only way to implement Anthropocentrism thoroughly.

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学习怎样给自己带来快乐是建立自信心的必由之路。Learning how to create happiness on your own is a key part of building self-confidence.

产业化是解决城市生活垃圾问题的必由之路。Industrialization is the only way of settling down the problem of townie garbage problem.

更多地运用共鸣,细心唱好“过渡”音是高音的必由之路。The only way for the tenors is to use resonance more and sing the transitional sounds well.

依法治档已成为促进我国档案事业健康发展的必由之路。To administer archives according to law is a essential way for healthy archives development.

贸易自由化被视为发展中国家致富的必由之路。Trade liberalization was put forward as a sure route to prosperity for developing countries.

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提出假说、开展科学论证是建立和发展科学理论的必由之路。Hypothesis and scientific proof are the way of establishing and developing scientific theory.

我认为,这是通向非洲卫生变革的一条必由之路。I believe that this is at least one route towards transformational change for health in Africa.

促进平衡增长、推动世界经济平衡有序发展是实现共同繁荣的必由之路。Only with balanced and orderly development of the world economy can there be common prosperity.