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中国物产丰富。China is rich in products.

中国物产丰富。China is abundant with products.

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中国是一个物产丰富的国家。China is a property-rich country.

印度是一个物产丰富的国家。India is a rich productive country.

玉环最著名的物产——文旦的话。Yuhuan's most famous product, grapefruits.

双循环发电厂基本没有排放物产生。Binary plants release essentially no emissions.

它一直物产丰富,而且富有黄金。It had always been productive and rich in gold.

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承德的几种物产很有名。b. Chengde is famous for several products. Silk

境内四季分明,气候宜人,物产丰富,素有西北“小江南”之美称。Tianshui has a pleasant climate and is rich in resources.

利用物产的视觉表现,以结合路灯的形式最常见。The most of the medel product design combines the street lamp.

境内水网交织,物产丰饶。Intertwined within the water network, and products of richness.

湖南物产丰富,经济贸易源远流长。In Hunan, products abound and economic trade has had a long history.

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矿产资源邵阳物产丰富。Mineral resources Shaoyang municipality abounds in natural resources.

我的家乡在宁乡,这里人杰地灵,物产丰富。My hometown is in ningxiang, here beautiful, and the product is rich.

麻阳物产丰富,开发潜力巨大。The hemp positive product is rich, the development potential is huge.

有用在腹泻的治疗由于它的收敛性物产。Helpful in the treatment of diarrhea due to its astringent properties.

华舍地理位置优越,物产丰富。Huashe enjoys excellent geographical location and is a land of opulence.

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殖民者发现,百慕大群岛物产丰富,是个热情好客的地方。The colonists found Bermuda to be a hospitable place with sufficient food.

现在关于孩子损毁物产有一些有趣的观点。Now there are some interesting points to be made about kids defacing property.

此地位于青藏高原的低海拔区域,气候独特,物产丰富,景色宜人。Qinghai-Tibet Plateau region, the unique climate, abundant scenic and pleasant.