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怎样治疗产后荨麻疹?How to treat postpartum urticaria?

所以产后的瘦子越来越多。Therefore, more and more post-natal thin.

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这只是流产后恶露不尽吗?Is the lochia after this just aborts endless?

破产后一年,克莱斯勒一直在不断重整旗鼓。A year after bankruptcy, Chrysler is on the rebound.

自然流产后必须刮宫吗?After natural abortion must dilatation and curettage ?

产后修复也有黄金期,你知道吗?Postpartum repair also has golden period, do you know?

7月份开始的时候和雷曼兄弟破产后的其他21个月一模一样。July started just like the other 21 post-Lehman months.

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目的探讨产后出血的临床主要原因。Objective To discuss the main factors of PPH in clinic.

产后抑郁确实可以让观众沮丧。Postpartum depression can really bring down an audience.

产后多久来月经是正常的?Is how long menstruates for after the childbirth regular?

这些对于产后抑郁症作用的假设还远未得到证实。These hypothesized functions for PPD are far from proved.

他们发现,这些影响一直会持续到产后一年。Those effects lasted up to a year postpartum, they found.

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第二件我所关心的事就是集聚破产后的余财。My next care was to get together the wrecks of my fortune.

所以产后妇女腹壁明显松弛。Therefore post-natal woman abdominal wall obvious relaxation.

你是对的,但你知道动物产后是否也坐月子呢?But do you know whether the animals are in confinement or not?

有些时候,妈妈们直到返回工作时才出现产后抑郁症的症状。And sometimes a PPD won't even surface until her return to work.

于产后48小时,将每窝调整至12头仔猪。Litters were standardized to 12 piglets beyond 48 h after birth.

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缓解产后抑郁,增加精子。Balance hormones to ease postpartum depression, incr eased sperm.

100个孕妇中,16名出现了产后抑郁症状。Out of the 100 women, 16 developed postpartum depression symptoms.

破腹产后哺乳期70天月经复潮正常吗?Cesarean section 70 days post-lactation period complex wave normal?