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她紧紧地盯着它。She stared at it.

他紧紧握着我的手。He squeezed my hand.

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你紧紧拥我于怀中。You held me so close.

它必须紧紧抓住年轻的消费群。It must catch them young.

两脚好象都系得紧紧的。Both seemed securely tied.

她问道,双手紧紧地贴在一起,“我也弹过琶音了。”I had some arpeggios, too.

我紧紧地闭上双眼。I kept my eyes tight shut.

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我们已经把它紧紧地缝上了。We've sewed it on tightly.

你还在紧紧握住什么不放吗?What are you holding on to?

他把她紧紧地抱在怀里。He clasped her to his chest.

它那双前爪紧紧抓住了一块小石子。His forepaws braced a pebble.

你若那样把自己紧紧地关起来。In the way you hold yourself.

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要不要把门紧紧锁上?Should I double-lock the door?

他的脸绷得紧紧的,非常严肃。His face was harsh and serious.

瞧这叶子,两部分紧紧相连。See the leaf, two parts united.

她把双掌紧紧地合在一起。She pressed her palms together.

他把婴儿紧紧地抱在怀里。He clasped the baby in his arms.

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他把自己紧紧包裹在披肩里。He enveloped himself in a shawl.

她双颊的皮肤绷得紧紧的。The skin of her cheeks tautened.

紧紧围绕你所爱的人。Be up around the people you love.