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我想我坠入情网了.I think I`m in love.

他们不会陷入情网?Don't they fall in love?

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当你坠入情网的时候你得到了什么?What do you get when you fall in love?

他以前从没有堕入过情网。He had himself never been in love before.

陷入情网旳时候,有一些人丢暸脑袋。When falling in love, some lose their head.

陷入情网的人是无法理智的。My world is silent silent, cannot hold others.

与国家和它的人她堕入情网了。She fell in love with the country and its people.

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一开始没人是完美的,直到后来你与某人坠入情网。Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them.

你就是令我陷入情网的那个人。You're the one with whom I have fallen in love with.

这是我第一次坠入情网,祝我好运吧!This is the first time I've fallen in love. Wish me luck!

人们有时会说她们会轻易的坠入情网。Sometimes people say they just fall in love too frequently.

我们都是凡尘男女,挣不出纠缠的情网。Fan Chen, we are men and women, can not earn a tangle of love.

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玛丽亚跟荷西坠入了情网并且论及了婚嫁。Maria was so much in love with Jose, and she wanted to marry him.

情话会使女人坠入情网,男人则是因为眼中的美丽。Women fall in love through their ear, and men through their eyes.

万有引力无法用来解释人们是如何坠入情网的。Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.

两人自高中起就坠入情网,他是塞尔维亚人,她是穆斯林。Sweethearts since high school, he was a Serb and she was a Moslem.

后来狄更斯竟与联袂主演的年仅18岁的搭档坠入情网,把妻子都抛弃了。Then he fell in love with his 18-year-old co-star and left his wife.

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在陷入情网的时候,有些人丢了头脑,另一些人丢了心。When falling in love, some lose their head, others lose their heart.

我也曾有过如此神奇的时刻,坠入情网是其中一刻,而看着婴儿的脸是另外一例。I’ve had just a few moments like that. Falling in love is one example.

当我坠入情网时,我才第一次发现我是会被人爱上的。When I fell in love, I realised for the first time that I was lovable.