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以毒攻毒,以火攻火。Fight fire with fire.

火攻战法是中国古代战争中常用的战术之一。Fire attack is a commonly used tactic in ancient Chinese wars.

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燕儿为救星虎而死,星虎邪火攻心!Yan son died for emancipator tiger, star tiger evil have been fighting fire heart!

以火攻火,不能和解和愈合,绝难解决问题。Fighting fire with fire without reconciliation and healing will never solve the problem.

许多中国政客,因政治对立而以火攻火,以牙还牙。Many Chinese politicians have been fighting fire with fire in their political conflicts.

一些好战者认为以火攻火是对付敌人的唯一方法。Some people are so belligerent that to fight fire with fire seems the only way to deal with their enemies.

一日深夜,老将黄盖来到帐中,商议破曹以火攻为好。One night, Zhou Yu was thinking hard in his tent about how to defeat Cao Cao's army, when Huang Gai came in.

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所以要使用火攻击败曹军必须要吹东风,否则火将会烧到自己的船只。To attack Cao Cao with fire was self-destruction unless the wind changes direction to that of southeasterly.

教案设计了一遍又一遍,总是觉得不够完善。于是在患得患失和急火攻心中,我的嗓子哑了。As a perfectionist, sometimes I even got a sore throat due to the constant dissatisfaction about my teaching plan.

非洲巨型蜗牛惊人之处莫过于它庞大的体型,甚至人类因此不惜用火攻来消灭它们。The Giant African snail is so badass and huge that in order to eradicate it, people employ the use of flame throwers.

赤壁大战之前的一天晚上,周瑜正在苦苦思索如何破敌,老将黄盖来到帐中,认为用火攻好。The night before the Battle of Chibi, Zhou Yu was thinking hard in his tent about how to defeat Cao Cao's army, when Huang Gai came in.

这么说吧,我们的目标是“以火攻火”,用积极的事物向消极的事物做出反应,基本和重行对计算机编程一样。Our goal here is to fight fire with fire so to speak, and come back at the negatives with positives, almost like reprogramming a computer.

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后孙刘联军巧用火攻,乘东南风大起,向曹营举火,火船借助风势,直冲曹军水寨。Using Sun Liu coalition after the Fire Attack, by the southeast wind, the fire to move Cao Ying, the fire boat with the wind, straight into the Cao kiosk.

李国良偷了妻子为夏曦攒下的学费去买彩票,妻子获悉后急火攻心,患病去世。Li Guoliang stole the tuition that the wife issues for summerly sunlight assemble to buy lottery ticket, after the wife learns heart of urgent fire attack, sicken dies.

而那边,与之相对应的是一场每日上演的购房悲喜剧,忐忑、失望、恐慌、盲目、愤怒、谩骂,并以急火攻心,失望告终。And the side, Corresponding to this is a daily staged purchase tragicomedy , writers, disappointment, panic, blind, anger, criticism, and an attack with fire in mind, at the end.

湿病当禁用火法,若用火攻发汗,势必大汗,风去湿存,不仅病不能解,反致火热内攻,与湿相合,变生他症。Wet disease when disable method, if use fire sweating, certainly will sweat, wind dehumidification, not only can't solution, renvoi hot tapping, with wet, gave birth to his disease.

回到家中的佟林为每个人分配好任务,让他们分头去找人,自己则出去找房三,可还没等出家门,急火攻心的佟林就晕倒在地。Home of Lin tung good assigned task for everyone, let them separately to find people, himself out for three, but also not out of the house, such as JiHuo hearts Lin tung is faint in the ground.

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金母见高存善冷漠无情根本不喜欢金元满,勃然大怒痛骂高存善是畜生,骂完高存善金母气火攻心昏倒在地上。Gold mother see high well-being indifference doesnt like jinyuan, flew into a rage lambasted high well-being is a beast, scold the high well-being gold mother gas fire heart faint in the ground.

本文就火灾扑救中如何应用卫星定位系统来实施以火攻火以及应注意的问题进行了讨论,对今后部队、地方更好的完成森林火灾的扑救工作有一定的指导意义。In this article, we discuss how to apply GPS to controlling fire with fire and some questions that we could notice, aiming at instructing army and locality to extinguish forest fire effectively.

以火攻火战术是在森林火灾扑救中一种比较有效的间接灭火方法,但以往单独应用以火攻火战术存在着点烧不准确、不能进行长距离点烧等不足。Controlling forest fire with fire is an indirect and effective method. But only using this method had some disadvantages, such as inaccurate ignition and not being able to ignite at long distance.