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有些人拜倒在她的石榴裙下。A few men succumbed to her charm.

有很多男人拜倒在她的石榴裙下。There are many men buried in her wake.

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他拜倒在这位女子的石榴裙下。Hefalls head over heels for a this woman.

凯茜好像使他完全拜倒在她的石榴裙下。It seems that Kathy has had him entirely at her feet.

由于她的魅力和美丽,使他拜倒在她的石榴裙下。With her charm and beauty, she sweeps him off his feet.

这个城市的败者,他们拜倒在你的石榴裙下。The city's in surrender and they're falling at your feet.

我保证这次吉姆肯定会拜倒你的石榴裙下。I assure you this time Jim will have himself at your feet.

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迪克实在是爱简,他完全拜倒在她的石榴裙下。Dick was so crazy about Jane that he threw himself at her feet.

玛丽很迷人,许多男生拜倒在她的石榴裙下。Mary was so charming that many boys threw themselves at her feet.

哇,不错。我保证这次吉姆肯定会拜倒你的石榴裙下。Wow, great. I assure you this time Jim will have himself at your feet.

和一个女孩喜欢享受的时候,一个男人拜倒在她的石榴裙像一只狗。And a girl likes to enjoy the time when a man chasing after her like a dog.

当这个新来的女生进校后,有好几个男生都拜倒在她的石榴裙下。When the new girl entered school, several boys flung themselves at her feet.

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这位新女生入学时,有好几个男子拜倒在她的石榴裙下。When the new girl entered school, several boys threw themselves at her feet.

我现在还在物色一个我认为合适的女孩作为我的妻子。一旦我找到了,我就要拜倒在她的石榴裙。I'm still looking for the right girl to marry. And when I find her, I'll throw myself at her feet and as.

我现在还在物色一个我认为合适的女孩作为我的妻子。一旦我找到了,我就要拜倒在她的石榴裙下。I'm still looking for the right girl to marry. And when I find her, I'll throw myself at her feet and ask.

她极其美艳、睿智、有修养、有才华,只需一个眼神,就能让任何男人拜倒在她的石榴裙下。She's insanely gorgeous, intelligent, cultured, talented, and can bring any man to his knees with one glance.

我有一女性朋友,她成功地让各种各样的男人拜倒在石榴裙下——我说的是一些真正优秀的绅士。I have this one lady friend who manages to get all kinds of guys collapsing at her feet, and I'm talking some really nice gents.

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众所周知,有些坚强的女人,她们仍用她们第一个丈夫的姓,并且不在她们的石榴裙边拖带新的小乡绅以免沾污丈夫的名誉。It has been known of the staunchest women who retain the name of their first husband, or do not hamper his title with a little new squire at their skirts.

事实上,如果陆军拜倒在远程作战的石榴裙下,那么陆军将吞下自身边缘的苦果并且还将损害到未来联合作战力量一项至关重要的能力。Indeed, if the Army succumbs to the allure of long range, it will preside over its own marginalization and deprive the future joint force of a crucial capability.

但有个男人面对校内成双成对的情侣,再也控制不住自己旺盛的荷尔蒙,于是他掩着良心佯装拜倒在她的石榴裙下。However, a man the face of internal pairs couple, no longer unable to control their own strong hormone, and he bowed over her conscience in her Dan Liuqun pretending that under the.