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这是他的不朽名作。It is his enduring masterpiece.

这是西班牙画家委拉斯凯兹的名作Here's the famous Spanish painter.

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该著作为女作家池莉的近期名作。The works of famous writers for recent chili.

可能你是名作家,艺术家抑或是一名政客。Maybe you are a writer, an artist or a politician.

请即刻做好计划,前去观赏安迪‧沃荷的不朽名作吧!Make plans to see Andy Warhol's masterpieces right away!

此作品是英国文学的不朽名作之一。The work is one of the great monuments of English literature.

另一幅接触的画作名为“鸟贩”,是默罕默德·那吉的名作。Another of the finest examples is one named "Bird Seller", by Mohamed Nagy.

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缪斯·克莱门斯,以马克·吐温知名,成了美国名作家。Samuel Clemens, who was known as Mark Twain, became a famous American writer.

大众媒体的清晰信息将驱散荒诞的说法,并与恐惧和污名作斗争。Clear information in mass media will dispel myths and combat fear and stigmas.

她在那短暂逗留期间结识了许多名作家。He became acquainted with many well-known writers during her short stay there.

使用一个服务名作为输入从客户端应用程序接收一个请求。Receive a request from the client application with a service name as the input.

赫里克的大部分名作都是在幽静的乡间创作的。It was in the secluded country life of Devon that he wrote some of his best work.

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她回到上海,在这里她结识了许多名作家。She returned to Shanghai, where she became acquainted with many well-known writers.

他前往宋代山水画中所描绘的原景,对古典名作进行了模仿。He traveled to the original sites and created ghostly mimics of classic masterpieces.

以遵循推名作、荐精品、馈赠礼品、收藏、装扮家居为经营模式。Its management model is to introduce classic works, gift, art collection, living decoration.

将邀您出席晚宴,共同欣赏出自酿酒世家-天鹏家族的精品名作!Mr. François Thienpont will join you in the dinner and share you with their wines. Enjoy it !

其应该有较好的商业效应,但还是够不上名作的级别吧!It should have good commercial effect but i think it has a long distance ranking famous works.

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从大师名作到历史人物,森村泰昌探求自我的旅程未曾停歇。Morimura never ceases the voyage of exploring himself from masterpieces to historical characters.

这种方法依赖于接受回调函数名作为请求参数的远程服务。This approach relies on the remote service accepting a callback function name as a request parameter.

事实上,缪晓春选择了一系列名作作为他的“素材”来重新呈现。Rather, Miao Xiaochun has selected a group of famous paintings as his "materials" for re-presentation.