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她以无韵诗体作诗。A poem With weak rhymes halts.

她以无韵诗体作诗。It was in blank verse that she sang.

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用离合诗体形式写几句充满爱意的话或一首小诗。Write an acrostic love note or poem.

莎士比亚的剧本是用无韵诗体写的。Shakespeare's plays are written in blank verse.

是宋代文人相互唱和的一种诗体。It is a style of poem applied by the poets in Sung Dynasty.

自由诗体是无韵律的诗,总的来说是另一种诗体。Free verse is non-metrical poetry, another thing altogether.

惠特曼被认为是欧美自由诗体的开创者。Hui Teman is considered as the inaugurator of Euramerican and free verse.

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“兴”是以隐喻为表现特征的特殊诗体。Taking metaphor as the performance, " Hsing " is a special kind of poems.

藏族传统诗体颂词起源于藏族民间民俗文化即远古文化。The origin of traditional Tibetan Eulogy Poem is related to the folk culture.

克里斯托夫•弗赖起初是一名演员,后来成功地成为一名诗体戏剧作家。Christopher Fry, who began as an actor, was successful as a writer of verse drama.

七言歌行是古代诗人常用的一种诗体。Seven-word chanting poetry was a popular poetic form used by ancient Chinese poets.

可你又强调形式与诗体论对润饰修改诗的重要性。Yet you also stress the importance of forms and prosody in polishing and revising poetry.

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行为挽歌与诗体挽歌的交织使挽歌在魏晋绽放出奇美的色彩。The elegy has deed and poem which make it show very beautiful color in Wei and Jin Dynasties.

从咏物诗的发展来看,梁代咏物诗应是最有代表性的一种诗体。From the development of Yongwu poems, those in Liang Dynasty are the most important versification.

自由诗作为一种诗体,可以明显地分为两种形式,即传统体形式和现代体形式。Free verse as one kind of poetry can be obviously classified into traditional form and modern form.

实际上骚赋、文赎、诗体赋和俗赋在战国之末都已形成。In fact, Sao Fu, Wen Fu, Shiti Fu and Su Fu had been shaped in the end of the Warring States Period.

律诗诗体建立的过程中,形式的完成是诗体繁荣的首要条件。In its developing process, the establishment of form is the base for the flourish of metrical verse.

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麦克休给医生们写信——当然是诗体——好让他们来看自己。McHugh sent letters out to doctors -- written in verse, of course -- so they could come look at him.

我们所评论的这一段诗体的头两点是关于韵律和押韵的。The first two points about the verse form of the passage that we notice is regular rhythm and rhyme.

古代斯堪的纳维亚诗集,称老埃达或诗体埃达,3世纪早期成书。A collection of Old Norse poems, called the Elder or Poetic Edda, assembled in the early 3th century.