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杂活落到了他的头上。The chore fell to him.

我今天有太多的杂活要做。I have so many chores to do today.

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我花了一个上午在花园里随便干了一些杂活。I spent the morning pottering about in the garden.

到了平时干杂活的时间,他依然没有回来。It was time to do the chores, and still he had not come.

镜头转向瑞德和布鲁克斯在做些整理文档的杂活。ANGLE SHIFTS to reveal Red and Brooks doing filing chores.

除了在家干点过点杂活,我还从来没有打工赚过钱呢。I've never worked for money before, not counting my chores at home.

上班第一天,我花了一整天的时间在公司从容地干了一些杂活。On the first day in company, I spent the whole day pottering about.

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为了生计,他准备接受任何有酬报的杂活。He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore.

我朝农宅走过去,看见一个女人正在前院干杂活。As I walked toward the house I saw a lady doing chores in the front courtyard.

农夫早上要干的杂活包括清扫马厩和给奶牛挤奶。The farmer's morning chores included cleaning the stables and milking the cows.

看它们的脸就像是个干杂活的在换插头。Concentrate on their faces and it's like watching furry handymen changing a plug.

告诉朋友们你在过敏季节招人同情的遭遇,让他们来帮你做户外的杂活。Ask friends to take pity on you during allergy season and help with outdoor chores.

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除此之外,为其他人收集数据的杂活会让人觉得贬低身份,甚至起反作用。Besides, the chore of gathering data for someone else can feel demeaning, even counterproductive.

每周可以在食品杂货店购买香瓜,干完杂活后将其切成片状。Every week , buy a cantaloupe at the grocery store and cut it up after you put away your groceries.

以前父亲都会帮忙做些家务杂活的,但是他渐渐地变得泄气沮丧。My father, who used to share in the chores around the house, gradually started becoming despondent.

奶奶让我干农场里的各种杂活,从除草到去菜园摘晚餐用的蔬菜等等。She involves me in all of the farm chores, from hoeing weeds to picking garden vegetables for supper.

开始,大伙儿都取笑她,但经不住她再三坚持,最后才同意让她干点烧火做饭、缝缝补补的杂活。They laughed at her. She persisted. Finally they allowed her to help with the cooking and to mend clothes.

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她从一天的开始说起,从一个任务说到另一个任务,从一件杂活说到另一件杂活,从一个项目说到另一个项目。She starts at the beginning of her day and goes through task after task, chore after chore, project after project

杰尼索夫免去了他干杂活,外出侦察敌情时就把他带在身边,并把他编入哥萨克队伍。Denisov took Tihon from his menial work, and began to employ him on expeditions, and to reckon him among the Cossacks.

他们拉着一捆捆的木材,将东西运到矿区,还干着在圣克拉拉山谷里只有马才干的各种杂活。They pulled loads of wood, carried things up to the mines, and did all kinds of work that horses did in the Santa Clara Valley.