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你为这个叫好,你神经错乱啊?You have the nerve to call that fine?

空虚总是导致人们神经错乱。Emptiness always leads to human's insanity.

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宗教就是神经错乱。I think religion is a neurological disorder.

最重要的是,我知道我自己不会再神经错乱了。Most importantly, I know I will never be that ill again.

尼采在他生命的最后阶段,几乎神经错乱了。Nietzsche is almost off his head at the endgame of his life.

为了更好的了解什么使你神经错乱的,把那些使你沮丧的情形记录下来。To get better sense of what makes you mad, keep a journal of situations that frustrate you.

颢丽,神经错乱是富人的专利。发飙是中产阶级消受不起的奢侈品。You gotta be rich to be insane, Hol. Losing your mind is not a luxury for the middle class.

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有一个名叫吴绶琴的女学生受了五次电刑,以致神经错乱。A girl student named Wu Shou-chin became insane after being treated five times in an electric chair.

律师们在呈交法庭的辩护状上声明,他们将以神经错乱为由为布朗先生作无罪辩护。The lawyers declared on a court brief that they will argue Mr. Brown's innocence by reason of insanity.

在审讯过程中,Chapman坚持为自己的罪行辩护,尽管他的律师建议他宣称自己神经错乱。During his trial, Chapman insisted on pleading guilty, despite his attorney’s advice to claim legal insanity.

而且如果,很有可能会是这样,这支出色的切尔西队获胜了,别期待这个世界会变得神经错乱。And if, as we fully expect, this remarkable Chelsea team wins, dont expect the world to turn bonkers afterwards.

拳击员痴呆是因连续的拳击头部造成的神经错乱,最终会导致脑损伤。Dementia pugilistica is a neurological disorder caused by repeated blows to the head, resulting in brain trauma.

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当我们患了临床神经错乱并且行为失常时,我们有时就无法控制不去犯罪。Sometimes we can't help it, as when we're suffering from clinical insanity and behavior slips the grip of reason.

我意愿宽恕那些在人类之中导致了恐怖分子和神经错乱试验的祖先。I intend to forgive those ancestors who are at cause of the experience of terrorism and insanity within the human species.

他和同事们研究证实实验动物超重的问题已影响到免疫系统功能、癌症、神经错乱等领域。He and his co-workersidentify areas as diverse as immune function, cancer and neurological disordersthat could be affected by the problem.

她常会大声地对凯蒂叫嚷,一面上蹿下跳,像一个神经错乱的电动绿蛐蛐。Janefonda, Janefonda, she would yell at Kanchi, hopping up and down like a demented, electric green cricket as she munched on the huge peppers.

如果说神经错乱的定义是重蹈覆辙的犯同样的错误,却天真的期待会出现不同的结局的话,那么银行股东们的表现确实是精神错乱了。IF THE definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome, bank shareholders are certifiably mad.

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举个例子,当他们第一次见到了格洛普之后,哈利努力使赫敏平静下来,她当时已经为海格让他们去做的事情变得非常神经错乱了。For example, after they've met Grawp for the first time, Harry tries to calm Hermione, who was very distraught at what Hagrid was asking them to do.

刑事法庭对待“申明无罪的神经错乱”的裁决十分审慎小心,要求无行为能力非常严重,被告甚至不知道犯罪是错误的。Criminal courts are stingy about finding such exculpatory madness, requiring a disability so severe, the defendant didn't even know the crime was wrong.

爱丽丝梦游仙境是一本被聪明跟神经错乱,疯狂,混乱跟恐惧等一切包围的电影。"Alice in Wonderland" shows you that actually it is very thin film between sanity and insanity and total wildness and chaos and fear and all that kind of stuff.