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教师连着讲了两遍。The teacher explained twice in succession.

我今天要连着上家教课。I have back-to-back tutoring sessions today.

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这绳子是陷阱!它连着柱子!This rope is booby-trapped! It's tied to a pillar!

他的机器一定是和一台计算机连着的。His machine must have been connected to a computer.

楼内,昏暗的过道连着两侧的教室。Inside, dim hallways connect two wings of classrooms.

雨连着下了两天,公路上积满了水。The rain kept up for two days and the rods were flooded.

一个塞子通过一根塑料绳连着另一个浮在水面上的塞子。One plug, a connecting plastic wire, and another plug that floats.

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他寻找的入口连着另一个底层长廊。The entrance he sought stood at the end of another ground-floor corridor.

那就是命运——连着串事件的姻缘偶合。It was kismet_ a combination of several events occurring to perfect karma.

在有些高级矿石内,斑晶紧连着假晶。In some high-grade ores, phenocrysts adhere intimately to the pseudomorphs.

他连着好几个钟头呆在藏书楼里细心翻阅那一些发霉味的文献资料。He had spent several hours in the library poring over those musty documents.

避免参加连续的会议---连着的会议就很容易让人迟到。Avoid Back-to-Back Meetings – Back-to-back meetings are a recipe for lateness.

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齿条一端连着拉杆,拉杆与车轮轴上的转向摇臂相连接。The tie rod at each end of the rack connects to the steering arm on the spindle.

学生常常连着上三周课才能放一天假。Classes continue for three weeks straight, barely interrupted by a one-day break.

我们为了降低成本连着解雇了五批,从500员工减到50人。We cut cost through a series of five lay-offs from 500 employees down to 50 people.

这次,在整个攀爬过程中,罗伯特身上系了一条连着安全绳索的背带。This time Robert was wearing a harness attached to safety ropes for the entire climb.

在我的家中,我最喜欢的是我的书房,因为它连着一个大阳台。In my home, that I like it most is my study, because of it is being linked with a solarium.

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如果你继续向外拉,会牵出一条填充好的细小脐带,后面连着一块填充好的小胎盘。If you kept pulling, a little stuffed umbilical cord with a little stuffed placenta followed.

特劳维尼先生把铁篓子连着里面还在燃烧的柴火一起拎到了外面,灰烬在沙地上熄灭了。The iron fire-basket was carried bodily out by Mr Trelawney, and the embers smothered among sand.

数以万计的的学生都要面连着考试和就业的挑战,真的是很辛苦。It is really hard for tens of thousands of students to face the challenge of tests and employment.