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我对那件事真是火冒三丈。I am really furious about it.

我喜欢把他气得火冒三丈。I enjoy getting arise out of him.

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当他遗失钱的时候,他火冒三丈气炸了。He saw red when he lost his money.

我火冒三丈,我为我的无知。I was furious with myself for my ignorance.

够咬了他的新鞋,他气得火冒三丈。He is mad with the dog for biting his new shoe.

她那些批评任谁都得火冒三丈。Her criticism were enough to make anyone see red.

如果你正火冒三丈,你最好不要发任何信件或电子邮件。Never post any letter or email when you are angry.

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她骂他流氓,他一听就火冒三丈。She called him a rascal and at that he bridled up.

但是这次,小贩真是火冒三丈了。By this time the pedder was really very very angry.

妈妈看到我头发染成这种颜色会火冒三丈的。My mum’ll have hysterics when she sees the colour of my hair.

自然的,这让狮子火冒三丈,但观众却很喜欢。Of course, this makes the lion furious, but the crowd loves it.

他想把这件事一笑置之,何塞火冒三丈,两人打了起来。When he tried to laugh it off, Jose became furious and they fought.

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如果你现在想赖婚,她父亲一定会火冒三丈。Her father will be furious if you try to back out of the marriage now.

但是当他看到一个孩子想偷他那辆新车时,他真是火冒三丈。But when he saw a kid trying to steal his new car, he really went haywire.

任何一个教练员都会对你说.运动员一火冒三丈就会犯错误。An angry athlete is an athlete who will make mistakes, as any coach will tell you.

虽然这已经是三年前的事了,但是每当我想起这件事,我仍然是火冒三丈。Then she refused to serve us. It still makes my blood boil just to think about it.

他的母亲火冒三丈,把他拖回学校,逼他向老师道歉。Furious, his mother hauled him back to school and forced him to apologize to the teacher.

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当我发现我男朋友脚踏两条船的时候,我气得火冒三丈。E. g. It made my blood boil when I found out my boyfriend was dating another girl on the side.

现在,身着各色戏服的复仇之士同他们经典的火冒三丈的大瞪眼儿以及充满正义的斗争一样,还没出现就已经被嫌弃了。By now the winks of costumed avengers have become as tired as their glowers and righteous beat-downs.

就是啊,美国队啊个个是气得火冒三丈的。美国教练通常比较低调,这一次啊他也忍不住跟裁判争执,表示强烈的不满。So, the players are mad, and the U. S. soccer coach is making a big stink by arguing with the referee.