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可恶,看我的天昏地暗七杀大阵!Damn, I see her seven kill big!

为了每天一美元吹个天昏地暗。Blowin' my lungs out for a dollar a day.

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一时间,山顶上刀光剑影,天昏地暗。At that time, when the whole mountaintop.

你报答她,哭得天昏地暗。You thanked her by weeping your eyes out.

有一个星期六早上,天昏地暗,暴风雨将临。The storm lasted a week, and now quieted down at last.

不错嘛,我的天昏地暗七杀大阵下,你们两个是头一个逃过的!Well, my next big seven killed her, you two are first escape!

就在我们喝的酩酊大醉时,我们的身体也就陷入了天昏地暗之中。When we are drunk as a lord, our body will sink into sickness.

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一个月后的某一天,你正在天昏地暗地睡懒觉。A month later, one day, you're a murky sky over a dark earth sleep.

顿时,全城天昏地暗,一片哀伤。Immediately a funeral gloom settled like a noonday darkness upon the city.

如果俄罗斯当年在古巴设置一个“反导”系统,我们就会闹得天昏地暗。If Russia was to put an "ANTI MISSILE" system in Cuba we would raise holy hell.

突然,天昏地暗,周围一片白蒙蒙的,什么都看不见。It suddenly became very cloudy and the air was white, so they couldnt see anything around them.

你来到人世时,她把你抱在怀里。而你对她的感恩回报,就是哭得天昏地暗。When you came into the world, she held you in her arms. You thanked her by weeping your eyes out.

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疯狂的玩个天昏地暗,然后用心做自己的事情,睡觉的先!Play with a murky sky over a dark earth frenziedly , do self thing , go to bed then attentively first!

是啊,三四月份的时候好像还有沙尘暴。沙尘暴刮起来的时候,天昏地暗的。Yeah, and there are also sandstorms in March and April. When the sandstorms blow, it's gloomy and dark.

“这是一个众所周知的战术”,一位欧洲受访者谈起那段在酒店里读着合约上小字的天昏地暗的日子。This is a well-known tactic, says a European of hazy days he spent in a hotel dealing with the fine print.

卡芙琳曾经问我对于那个我曾经爱得天昏地暗的男生还有甚麽感觉,他的离开,我是随著时间适应过来。Catherine asked me about the feeling to the boy i had been loving. i had spent some time to adapt his leaving.

他们和母兔子搞得天昏地暗,然后大睡了一个晚上。They screw themselves into a stupor and sleep throughout the night. The next morning, the rabbits get to talking.

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如果用贪瞋痴三毒来处理事情,就会天昏地暗,发生灾难。If we do things using greed, hatred, and stupidity, then the world will be a murky, dark place, and disasters will occur.

而且,那种天昏地暗似乎是这两个人心中流泄出来的,此时也随着他们忧伤的消逝而消散了。And, as if the gloom of the earth and sky had been but the effluence of these two mortal hearts, it vanished with their sorrow.

这时,她悲痛欲绝,拗哭得天昏地暗,竟使长城倒塌八百多里。At this time, she is extremely grieved , disobeys to cry dark all round, make Great Wall collapse unexpectedly more than 800 li.