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东光株式会社为所有类型的IC进行匹配评估。TOKO performs matching evaluation for all types of ICs.

1997年,FTZ株式会社取得玻利维亚天然盐矿的采矿权。In 1997, the FTZ has natural salt Co. , the mining Bolivia.

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这款独特的键盘由日本电子公司丸红株式会社制造。Unique keyboard by Japanese electronics company Marubeni Infotec.

日本板硝子株式会社和其他公司的子公司都面临着同样的问题。Subsidiaries of Nippon Sheet Glass and others have also faced unrest.

作为日本NACHI中国经销商,得到了株式会社不二越的大力支持。As Japan's NACHI Chinese distributor, has been more support from Fuji Corporation.

株式会社普利司通,总社座落于日本东京,是世界上最大的轮胎及橡胶企业。Bridgestone Corporation, headquartered in Tokyo, is the world's largest tire and rubber company.

株式会社富士测是在日本工业用开关器的顶级厂家,能够提供满足用户需求的各类产品。Fujisoku is the leading switch Manufacturer of Japan, offering a wide, variety of industrial switches.

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电器产品1918年松下幸之助先生创办了松下电器产业株式会社。In 1918, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. was founded under the name of Mr. Matsushita Konosuke.

武田制药株式会社的竞争药物艾可拓就没有显示带来这种风险。Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 's rival drug, Actos, did not appear to carry the same risk, Graham said.

协和发酵化学株式会社是协和发酵工业集团中从事化学工业的一员。Kyowa Hakko Chemical Co. , Ltd. is Industrial Chemical Company which is a part of Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Group.

丰田通商发言人六浦武说,日本公司双日株式会社也将加盟该计划。Takeshi Mutsuura, a spokesman of Toyota Tsusho, said Japanese firm Sojitz Corp. will also join the project.

日清汽船株式会社是二战前日本在华航运企业的重要代表。Nisshin Kisen Kaisha was a representation of Japanese shipping company in China before the Second World War.

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火山的身高有机背方和,但即使是背风面可以买到株式会社风暴湿透。The taller volcanoes have dryer leeward sides as well, but even the leeward side can get soaked in a KK storm.

东京海上火灾保险株式会社成立于1879年,是日本历史最悠久的财产保险公司。Tokio Marine and Fire Insurance Co. Ltd. , founded in 1879, is the oldest property insurance company in Japan.

天津广大纸业有限公司引进日本太阳株式会社记录纸生产线,专业生产医用记录纸。We imported the product line from TAIYO of Japan and specialize in the manufacture of medical recording paper.

鸡西瑞诺恒石墨有限公司是由山西晋城博达有限公司与日本创研株式会社合作组建。Shanxi Jincheng Trade Co. , Ltd. Boda was established in 2010, company is located in Jincheng, Shanxi Province.

即使在日本最大的信用调查公司帝国征信株式会社那里都无法找到这些企业的记录。There was also no record of the firms in the database of Japan's largest creditresearch firm, Teikoku Databank.

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我公司是日本THK直线导轨株式会社在青岛地区设立唯一一家产品相关服务中心。Our company is a Japanese THK linear guide set up in Qingdao Co. , Ltd. the only product-related service center.

大连爱丽思集团是日本爱丽思欧雅玛株式会社在中国大连投资的全资子公司。Dalian Iris group is Japan's Iris Ohyama and located in China, a wholly owned subsidiary of investment in Dalian.

日本国大北商事株式会社是一家生产销售各类珠宝首饰包装及化妆品的专业公司。Dabei Japanese shoji Co. , Ltd. is a manufacturing and sales all kinds of jewelry and cosmetics packaging company.