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上来吧,让我们讲和吧。Come, let there be peace.

学会原谅和放下,讲和吧。Forgive and let go, make peace.

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保持和睦胜过讲和。Better keep peace than make peace.

玛基姑母总是很快地讲和。Aunt March always cleared up quickly.

跟狼讲和平,此羊必癫狂。It is madness for a sheep to treat of peace with a wolf.

交战的家族之一想休战讲和并安排一次谈判。One of the warring families wanted to make peace and arrange a parley.

对着10个人讲和对着100人讲,需要的力量截然不同。A room of 10 people requires different energy from that needed for a room of 100.

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曲筱绡认为必须找当地的地头蛇做中间人,双方讲和。QuXiao gauze think must find local extortionate do middleman, both sides make peace.

埃及是第一个与以色列讲和的阿拉伯国家,也是阿拉伯国家联盟的所在地。It was the first Arab state to make peace with Israel, and is also the seat of the Arab League.

我希望能够听到你曾经主动伸出橄榄枝讲和并原谅别人的事情。I'd like to hear from you if you've been able to extend that olive branch and offer forgiveness.

在高中毕业升入哥伦比亚大学之后,塞丽娜和布莱尔之间依旧上演着斗嘴与讲和。Serena and Blair’s fights and make-ups continue as both the girls go to Columbia after high school.

看哪,你的王来到你这里,他是公义的,并且施行拯救,他必向列国讲和平。Behold, thy King cometh unto thee! He is the righteous Saviour, and He shall speak peace unto the heathen.

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他们对于政党纲领、大会演讲和尼克松迎合超级保守分子的做法感到失望。They were disappointed by the platform, the floor speeches, and Nixon’s appeals to the ultra-conservatives.

我不会在这里详细介绍每一本,只讲和本文特别相关的一些事。I won't be giving a detailed review of each, just note a few things of particularly relevance to my subject.

三是由项目导师、主讲、辅讲和班主任全程辅导,确保人人成才。Third, the project by the instructor, speaker, the whole class Des peace counseling to ensure that all talent.

抗议的感觉和生气,或者想跟对方讲和的渴望有时候还会回来,但是更多的只是愈加的痛苦不堪。Feelings of protest and anger or the desire for reconciliation sometimes resurface, but mostly the just feel deep melancholy.

除了基遍的希未人之外,没有一城与以色列人讲和的,都是以色列人争战夺来的。Except for the Hivites living in Gibeon, not one city made a treaty of peace with the Israelites, who took them all in battle.

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在我静静的等待了一段时间后,神开始和我讲和天使有关的事情-这是我完全没有想到的。So I waited quietly for a period of time, and the Lord began to talk to me about angels-something I certainly was not expecting.

甚至马自奇也会和商业世界讲和,他学习舞台设计,计划追求骑车之外的事业。Even Ma will have to make his peace with the commercial world —a student of stage design, he plans to pursue a career outside his biking.

偶尔,我们需要提醒自己网络只是一个相对年轻的发明,并且,我们仍在试图与之讲和。Every now and then we need reminding that the internet is still a relatively fresh invention and, socially, we are still coming to terms with it.