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他们都参与了公约的起草过程。They were all a part of the drafting.

伊朗是这一公约的签署国。Iran is a signatory to this convention.

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七会员遵守之公约。Pacts for the observance of its members.

国际公约就是类似的国际化版本This is a super national version of this.

士兵到这里参加北大西洋公约组织的操演。The soldiers are here for a NATO exercise.

本公约适用于海上拖轮。This Convention applies to sea-going tugs.

我们拒绝接受日内瓦公约。We refuse to abide by the Geneva Conventions.

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公约不合理还有另一个原因。The pact was unintelligent for another reason.

有了很棒的一套公约,人权问题得到重视。Perfect set of documents and shrining human rights.

呃,那么巴塞尔公约III是什么,又为什么这么重要呢?OK, so what's Basel III, and why is it so important?

在此十年期间,形成了公约的概念。During this decade, the Convention was conceptualized.

我们所有人都已对此公约作出承诺。This convention is something that we all committed to.

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是否有关系厄斯和公约?Is there a relationship between priors and conventions?

而且你恐怕也从来没听过什么叫巴塞尔公约III。And you've quite possibly never even heard of Basel III.

如果适用公约,则国内法则优先适用。If the Convention does apply, domestic law is preempted.

公约领导层发表一份声明表示否认有任何偏袒。The leadership issued a statement denying any favoritism.

137个公约缔约方派代表出席了会议。The session was attended by 137 Parties to the Convention.

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ECCO支持联合国公约有关儿童的权利。ECCO supports the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

只有本公约的缔约方可成为议定书的缔约方。Only Parties to the Convention may be Parties to a protocol.

这份报告被提交给了通常称为国际濒危特种公约的组织。The report was presented to the organization known as CITES.