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雌人鱼、鹰头狮身怪兽和龙都是怪物。Mermaids, griffins and dragons are monsters.

小人鱼摇了摇头,微笑了一下。The little mermaid smiled, and shook her head.

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“说得好,海精灵,”人鱼副官说道,“依卓洛在上!”Well said, sea elf, " the merman second said."

这个渔夫打捞上来一条珍稀的人鱼。The fisherman found a rare dugong in the water.

最后,这是人鱼公主的15岁生日。Finally, it was the mermaid princess 15th birthday.

“这出什么事了?”长着灰胡须的男人鱼问道。"What happened here?" the gray-bearded merman asked.

很快我就会拥有那条小人鱼,海洋就是我的了!Soon I'll have that little mermaid and the ocean will be mine!

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首先,是人鱼,僵尸,还有令所有海盗都害怕的海盗黑胡子。Firstly, mermaid, zombies, blackbeard, the pirate all pirates fear.

当王子打开他的眼睛时,从他把藏人鱼公主。When the prince opened his eyes, the mermaid princess hid from him.

易碎的心如人鱼吐得泡沫,只是一场短暂的梦而已。Fragile heart, such as Mermaid Tude bubble, only a short-lived dream.

除此之外魔女也希望人鱼能把她美妙的声音送给她。Mermaid addition Witch can also hope that she gave her beautiful voice.

“爱比财富更好,”他说道,“况且小人鱼爱我。”Love is better than Riches, ' he cried, `and the little Mermaid loves me.

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霍格沃茨的厕所是通往湖底的吗?人鱼们不会有意见吗?Do the Hogwarts toilets really empty into the lake? Don't the merpeople object?

布兰诺称他会考虑在将来展开另一段人鱼恋。Brenner said he might consider another relationship with a dolphin in the future.

在纽约,1959年,音乐,“星”吉卜赛人在百老汇开演,艾雪儿人鱼。And 1959, in New York, the musical "Gypsy, " star in Ethel Merman, opens on Broadway.

唯一的区别在于朗格利亚的礼服有人鱼底部,而阿奎莱拉的则是开了狭缝。The only difference being that Longoria's dress had a mermaid bottom instead of a slit.

所有人鱼贯而出,尼娜瞥了杰克一眼,托尼·阿尔梅达无法掩饰脸上的憎恶表情。As they filed out, Nina gave Jack a sidelong glance, Tony Almeida couldn't hide his disgust.

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舍姆森耸耸肩,离开了人鱼的手,也拒绝了他的帮助。“到港口之前我会照顾自己的。”Shemsen shrugged off the merman 's hand and offer. Til tend myself when I get to the harbor.

人鱼一个露背礼服都带来了一些神话和优雅的一笔,一个女孩的比喻。A halter mermaid dress all brings some mythological and elegant touches to a girl' s analogy.

女级长在哪里洗澡?墙上的人鱼偷看人洗澡吗?Where do the female prefects bathe? And does the mermaid on the wall watch people as they take baths?