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昨夜风光旖旎如画。Last night the scenery was striking and picturesque.

我爱你风光旖旎壮丽的河山。I love you beautiful scenery magnificent's native land.

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我爱你风光旖旎壮丽的河山。I love you an exquisite scenery magnificent rivers and mountains.

当然,风光旖旎的景区也是无锡的“王牌”之一。Of course, boasts beautiful scenery spot is also one of the "ace" in wuxi.

山川秀丽、气候宜人的同安,风光旖旎,自然景观丰富多彩。Tong An boasts of its beautiful natural landscape and comfortable climate.

驰名中外的旅游胜地北戴河,山清水秀,风光旖旎。World renowned tourist resort in Beidaihe, a beautiful, beautiful scenery.

清溪一曲,其风光旖旎,四时不辍,每天好像都是令节佳日,每月都有新的点缀。Indeed the river is a perpetual gala, and boasts each month a new ornament.

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我的国家以美丽的自然景观而出名,人口不多,但是风光旖旎。There aren't many people in my country but there is a lot of beautiful scenery.

风光旖旎的自然环境和丰富多彩的社会生活更是皮斯塔尼的独特之处。Exceptional is also the picturesque environment of Piestany with offers for varied social life.

濠江区依山傍水,风光旖旎,资源丰富。Haojiang district is near the mountain and the sea with abundant source and beautiful landscape.

灵岩寺峰峦奇秀,风光旖旎,以风景幽深、泉石秀丽著称于世。Temple Hill scenery, an exquisite scenery, scenery, to deep springs Shi Xiuli known to the world.

园里处处风光旖旎,椰影婆娑。无论是轻歌曼舞或是狂舞劲歌都可以尽享人生乐趣。You can enjoy the pleasures of life in the park by light song with dance or wild dance with rock music.

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风光旖旎的达亚河谷位于奥地利与捷克的边境,是欧洲最美丽的断裂河谷。Located on the border between Austria and Czechoslovakia, Thayatal is the most beautiful valley in Europe.

境内海岸线漫长,海岛众多,海滨风光旖旎,自古为瀛州仙境。Territory has a long coastline and numerous islands, waterfront scenery beautiful, ancient myth to wonderland.

济源山清水秀,风光旖旎,旅游资源丰富,有小浪底大坝、王屋山、五龙口等景点。Relying on beautiful landscape, Jiyuan enjoys rich tourist resources including Xiaolangdi Dam, Wangwu Mountain, Wulongkou, etc.

冷水江市地形地貌奇特,自然风光旖旎,有山有洞,有水有泉,旅游资源十分丰富。There are abundant tourism resources in Lengshuijiang, with very special physiognomy , beautiful scenery, hills, caves, and spring.

自然风光旖旎秀美,历史文化博大精深,56个民族风情浓郁,目前已被列入世界文化遗产地和世界自然遗产地达29处。It's has beautiful natural sceneries, centuried and centuries of extensive cultural heritage and 56 different customs of folk. ethnic customs.

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金碧辉煌的紫禁城、风光旖旎的颐和园、雄伟壮观的万里长城、我国园林艺术的瑰宝圆明园……都令人。You will be captivated by the magnificent Forbidden City, the scenic Summer Palace, the majestic Great Wall and the artistic Yuanmingyuan Garden.

龙居寺,原名等慈院,位于什邡县龙居山麓,这里山明水秀,风光旖旎。Longju Temple, formerly Dengciyuan is situated near the foothills in Shifang county, where the landscape is beautiful with green mountains and water.

哈尔滨地处美丽的松花平原,松花江沿岸,是著名的避暑胜地,是一座风光旖旎、独具特色的旅游城市。Located in the beautiful Songliao Plain, along the Songhua River, Herbin is a well-known summer resort and a tourist city with unique and charming scenery.