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都是流行的和文化修养高的。Both popular and high-brow.

好书可以提高思想修养。Good books may elevate the mind.

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对待流言不怒是我们的大勇和修养。No angry to gossip is our cultivation.

啊,为了那神密处所的修养!Oh, for the culture of the secret place!

有钱且有修养方为绅士。Money and good manners make the gentleman.

它必须发掘和培养他们的艺术修养。It must arouse and develop the artist in them.

钱和一个人的道德修养是没有关系的。Money have nothing to do with moral integrity.

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这是一个人文化修养最终极的成就。This is a person cultured ultimate achievement.

手术后她正在家修养康复。She is convalescing at home after her operation.

这人有修养,从不和人争吵。That cultured person never quarrels with others.

可以这么说,在很大程度上这是个个人修养问题。This, I may say, is largely a matter of self-training.

这个决定在我们日常的自我修养中早已形成。The decision is a commitment to daily self-cultivation.

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他有高尚的医德医风和很高的道德修养。He has high-spirited medical ethics and moral cultivation.

个人修养决定了一个人的气质。Personal accomplishment decided the qualities of a person.

这人有修养,从不和人争吵。The person is very cultured and never quarrel with others.

东滩是给劳动模范和解放军战士修养。The East Beach is reserved for "model workers" and the army.

您希望我努力学会哪些新技能或修养?What new skills or disciplines would you like me to work on?

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良好的修养有助于事业的成功。Good breedings can be of help to the success of one's career.

艾特鲁斯坎人有较强的读写修养,其上千余篇的文字记录留存于世。The Etruscans were highlyliterate, leaving thousands of texts.

如果你吃不消,你就再在家呆着修养。If it gets to be too much for you, you`ll just stay home again.