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目前,这些海上运输线被美国控制。And those sea lanes are controlled by the United States.

你可以看到大量有趣的东西。一些像另一条运输线之类的东西。You can see lots of interesting things. Something like another transporter line.

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日本完全依赖海上运输线进出口产品。Japan is utterly dependent on the sea lanes for the import and export of products.

我们保护海上运输线,使外国货物能销售在我们的市场上。We protect the sea lanes to enable foreign country dump their junks at our market.

其他港口将增加额外的运输线通话的机会。Additional port will increase the opportunities for additional shipping line calls.

欧盟希望到2014年,其中一条名为纳布科的管道运输线能够投入使用。Europe hopes that one of the planned pipelines, known as Nabucco, will be up and running by 2014.

就像中国的海军一样,印度的海军已经走出国门在印度洋上分段保护着海上运输线。Its navy, like China's, has been rushing to secure friendly staging-posts around the Indian Ocean.

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由于切断了塔穆兹—昂的燃料运输线,伦相信这颗星球将无力抵抗他的进攻。Having intercepted their fuel shipments, Ren believed the planet ill-equipped to defend against his attack.

他必须确保起义军运输线的保密措施就像碳凝一样密不透风,防止任何不必要的猜疑。He ensured the Rebel shipments always had carbonite-solid cover stories in order to avoid undue suspicions.

然后,人民的绿色活动家普京试驾一辆崭新的节油拉达轿车穿越一条新西伯利亚运输线。Then Putin, green man of the people, test-drove a new fuel-efficient Lada across a new trans-Siberian road.

一位伊朗指挥官上周声称,“不怕死的”民兵将能够破坏海湾运输线。An Iranian commander last week said "martyrdom-seeking" militia would be able to disrupt Gulf transport routes.

波特兰港的集装箱运输线包括一周一发的太平洋运输航线和欧洲地中海航线。The Port's container line of business comprises a weekly transpacific service and a Europe-Mediterranean service.

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上述运输线沿线的上海合作组织成员国境内国际物流中心建设筹备工作业已启动。The work to establish the internationa logistics centre has started up along the above transport line in the member states of SCO.

回转台是自动线的一个重要组成部分,主要用于运输线上转弯处重型物体改变方向。Automatic Line turret is an important component of the main line used for the transport of heavy objects in turn to change direction.

包括一连串走私者设计,从许可帝国运输线分离香料货物的方法。The term Kessel Run came to encompass a number of smuggler methods designed to separate spice cargoes from licensed Imperial shippers.

日本无法维持其向南亚和印度尼西亚、马来西亚的这两个前欧洲殖民地的油田供给的海上运输线。Japan could not sustain its maritime supply lines to South Asia and the oilfields of Indonesia and Malaysia, both former European colonies.

再则使用若干兵力于敌人后方,其威力特别强大,因为捣乱了敌人的运输线和根据地。Furthermore the use of some of our armed forces against the enemy's rear is particularly effective because they can disrupt his supply lines and bases.

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孔梅回到了青田县,带来了最新的情报,日军要利用青龙山,构建一座军事要塞,以打通战略运输线。Kong Mei back in qingtian county, brought the latest intelligence, the Japanese use qinglongshan, build a military fortress, resulting in strategic route.

二林回到料理店,向老崔汇报了自己这几天的去向,老崔激动表示三林把持住运输线,正好对我党的工作有所帮助。Two Lin returned to the restaurant, to report back to the old cui his whereabouts, this several days old cui excited said three Lin in transit, just help in our work.

说的是东岸运输线,从美国东部的伊利湖蜿蜒到德克萨斯州西部的格兰德河,喝法国葡萄酒或者本地酒能在运输过程中减少排放。For those east of a line that zig-zags down from eastern Lake Erie to the Rio Grande in west Texas, drinking French wine or a local product lessens emissions from shipping.