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你让我作了伪证…You made me perjure myself.

看看这位声名狼藉的伪证犯!Look upon the Infamous Perjurer!

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你这个做伪证的基督徒,忏悔吧!You perjured Christian, go to repent!

正如高等法院摒弃伪证。As the High Court loathes perjurious oaths.

法官声称证人做了伪证。The judge claimed that the witness perjured himself.

随手拉过来一个,给他10块钱,让他作个伪证不就行啦!Anyone will bear false witness, just pay him 10 yuan.

我国对伪证行为的规定早在殷商时期就有记载。The perjury has been recorded since Yin and Shang Dynasty.

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斯库特·比作伪证案今天在华盛顿继续开庭。The" Scooter" Libby perjury trial continues in Washington.

你们的居民因为犯下造伪证的罪而死亡的时候,那日子近了。The day approaches when your citizens will perish for their crime of perjury.

证人对事发当晚所做的事情作了伪证。The witness perjured herself by lying about what she did on the night o the crime.

“什么?!”他惊愕不已,“你们叫我做伪证,现在又叫我忏悔?!”"What?! " He is so astonished, "You asked me to perjure, and now asked me to repent?! "

物理性证据是不会有差错的,它不会做伪证,它不会完全消失。Physical evidence cannot be wrong, it cannot perjure itself, it cannot be wholly absent.

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卡莱门周四的伪证审讯几乎是一开庭就结束了。Almost as soon as it began former baseball star Roger Clemens's perjury trial ended Thursday.

你逼我留下来,可能的话在审判席上靠荒唐愚蠢的谎言伪证顶住。You forced me to stay to brazen it out, if possible, in the box by absurd and silly perjuries.

此项调查可能为对这位投球明星的指控带来伪证或是造成阻碍。The probe could result in perjury or obstruction of justice charges against the All-Star pitcher.

迪弗在1987年曾被判在法庭上做伪证,当时他被指控在白宫任职期间进行游说活动。Deaver was convicted in 1987 on perjury charges concerning his lobbying activities while at the White House.

他对两人的结识做了伪证,这场诉讼中他被迫辞职。In the course of the fight he was forced to resign, having made a false statement about how he and his lover had met.

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路透社称,国防部新闻发言人耿雁生严厉指责美国在网络攻击问题上制造伪证。Reuters said the defense department spokesman he scolded the United States in network attack on the issue of perjury.

鉴于伪证行为具有严重的社会危害性,目前世界多数国家的刑法中都规定了伪证罪。In view of the acts of perjury with serious social harm, most countries in the world of criminal law provisions are perjury.

〔备忘——在这场竞选运动中,这家报纸以后但凡提到我时,必称“臭名昭著的伪证犯吐温”。Mem. -- During the rest of the campaign this paper never referred to me in any other way than as "the infamous perjurer Twain."