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你可以发展肾盂肾炎在任何年龄。You can develop pyelonephritis at any age.

刘娟息有肾炎已经多年。Liu Juanxi had nephritis to be already many year.

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肾盂肾炎以慢性患者较为多见。Pyelonephritis with chronic patient relatively much see.

而上尿路感染常见的是急性肾盂肾炎。And urinary infection common in the acute pyelonephritis.

肾的疾病包括肾功能衰竭、肾结石和肾炎。Disorders include kidney failure, kidney stones, and nephritis.

脓疮、肾炎和风湿热。Complications may include abscess, nephritis, and rheumatic fever.

你的家庭医生将能够诊断肾盂肾炎从您的症状。Your GP will be able to diagnose pyelonephritis from your symptoms.

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你过去患过什么病吗,比如肾炎、糖尿病或青光眼等?Have you ever been sick, such as nephritis, diabetes or glaucoma, etc. ?

急性肾盂肾炎通常只影响局部区域,其发病多无明显诱因。Acute pyelonephritis is usually localized and may have no apparent cause.

肾炎组AECA阳性率高于非肾炎组,两者相比有显著差异。AECA positive rate in HSPN was higher than that of without nephritis group.

看起来,肾盂内尿潴留可能大大地促使肾盂肾炎的发生。Stagnation of piddle in the kidney cavum seems to greatly encourage pyelitis.

当我在医院时,他从儿童肾炎挽救了我的生命。He saved my life from a kidney inflamation disease when I was in the hospital.

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黄色肉芽肿肾盂肾炎和鹿角石皆罕见于儿童。Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis and staghorn calculus are rare in children.

如果去医院检查肾炎的尿常规的流程是如何的?Is if go to a hospital inspecting the make water of nephritis, groovy flow how?

尿酸性肾病变和狼疮性肾炎常常是肾衰竭的原因。Uric acid nephropathy and lupus nephritis are often the cause of renal failure.

结论急性肾炎患儿为一种自身免疫调节异常的疾病。Conclusion Acute nephritis is a kind of disease due to abnormal immunoregulation.

目的探讨番泻叶制剂在儿童急性肾炎中的运用及临床疗效。Objective To observe 68 cases of children with acute nephritis with Folium Sennae.

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到人民医院一检查,发现自己息上了怪性肾炎。To a People's Hospital inspection, discovered in oneself rest the strange nephritis.

所以本病例水痘-带状疱疹病毒相关肾炎及脑炎诊断成立。So, the diagnosis of VZV-related glomerulonephritis and encephalitis was established.

结论皮肤紫癜出现在其他症状之后者易引起误诊,紫癜性肾炎是影响HSP预后的关键。Purpuric nephritis is the key factor that exerts an influence on the prognosis of HSP.