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他把余暇用于阅读。He employs his spare time in reading.

他过去常常在说笑中消磨掉他的余暇时间。He used to laugh away his spare time.

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她把每一分余暇都花在收拾房子上了。She spends every spare time on her house.

她喜欢在余暇时间听音乐。She likes to listen to music in her spare time.

朋友最近放了长假。他说,他有余暇来读书和听音乐。I spend my leisure time reading and listening to music.

在你的工作和余暇中充满了浪漫唯美的曲折。You have an artistic bend in your work or leisure activities.

他会让妻子有余暇时间参加外面有趣的活动。He makes it possible for his wife to have some leisure time for outside interests.

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七月间,人们有余暇观察树叶绿翠的千差万别。One has the leisure of July for perceiving all the differences of the green of leaves.

在背靠着城垛亲吻布拉尼之石的余暇之际,也不要忘了欣赏一下这里的美景哦。Bend over backwards on the battlements, give it a kiss and don’t forget to take in the views.

我那时正在攻读美术硕士,要上其他课,所以我只能利用余暇进行很少的创作。I was in an MFA program at the time, so I had other classes, and I did little work over the breaks.

你是怎样把余暇变为广行善事、广结善缘的机会而使世界有所不同的呢?How have you turned your time gaps into good karma opportunities for making a difference in the world?

影响佛山市家庭居民未能参加体育旅游的主要原因是消费观念问题和缺乏余暇时间。In the meanwhile, the reason that influenced family joinless sports were ideas of consumption and no leisure time.

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在人生的道路上,如一心追逐名利权位,就没有余暇顾及其他。In the road of human life, if you are pursuing the fame and gain wholeheartedly, you will can never consider others.

这种变化主要体现在余暇时间的增多、物质条件的丰富和“现代文明病”对人类身心健康的侵扰。Now people have more spare time, more creature comfort and more ' modern civilized sickness', which troubled their health.

古罗马人兴建的巨大浴池,更是上流社会人士作为余暇游泳及社交活动之场所。The Romans built enormous bath, but also the community as an upper class leisure and social activities of the swimming venue.

中学教师的教学任务十分繁重,余暇时间较少,因此,从事体育活动时间较少。Secondary school teachers is very heavy teaching duties, less leisure time, therefore, less time engaged in sports activities.

要是提前完成任务,或是偷得几分余暇,不要塞给自己更多事情。When you get things done ahead of schedule or just have a few spare minutes, don’t try to cram them full with even more tasks.

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在研究余暇体育的基础上论及高校余暇体育的特点,阐述了高校开展余暇体育的意义。Based on the characteristics of leisure sports the author analyses the meaningfulness and the management the mentioned leisure P. E.

试想,胃中若时时被垃圾食品填满,哪那还有余暇去细品美味。Just think, be like in the stomach constantly by rubbish food cram, which that superabundant still free time goes fine article delicate.

因余暇时间少、场地器材不足、毅志力差等因素不能经常参加体育锻炼。The personal investment should be based on the scientific athletic view of investment while increasing the time and material investment.