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琴棋书画,画也排在最后。Poetry and painting, painting also came in last.

琴棋书画样样通,但不精。Poetry and painting everything through, but not refined.

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女人是大户人家的女儿,琴棋书画样样了得。Woman is the daughter of rich family, literature, everything terrible.

古雅的中式之家当然不能没有琴棋书画这些元素。House of quaint Chinese literature, of course, can not do without these elements. In Mr.

对自己说,如果时光可以倒流,现在的我一定是一个优雅至极,琴棋书画都可以来两手的女子。Said to myself, if time can turn the clock back, now I must be an amazing grace, fancies of men of letters can be your woman.

如果我生活在“大家闺秀,足不出户,笑不漏齿”的年代,我想我肯定是一个精通“琴棋书画的女子!If I live in a" great lady, remain within doors, laugh not leak tooth " time, I think I must be a good woman" fancies of men of letters!

我是一位琴师,琴棋书画中的古琴。希望自己能学好英文,让全世界的人都会弹琴。I am a musician, in the polite arts guqin. Hoped that oneself can learn English, lets the world the human can play a stringed musical instrument.

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从小受我爷爷的影响学习琴棋书画,到现在我是一个年轻艺术家。I started learning music, chess, calligraphy and painting under influence of my grandfather since childhood. And now I have become a young artist.

我妈妈希望我成为一个有理想的知性女生,自小培育我琴棋书画,当然,没有棋。My mother wanted me to become an ideal of intellectual girls, she develops me to poetry and painting since I am still young, of course, not chess.

所谓琴棋书画,在古代,弹琴、弈棋、书法、绘画是文人骚客修身所必须掌握的技能,其中又以“琴”为首位。In ancient times, guqin, game of go, calligraphy and painting are a must for scholars and literati to cultivate themselves, among which guqin is listed as no. 1 skill.

此外,小人还博览群书,多才多艺,琴棋书画,诗词歌赋,洋洋精通,事事妥当,上得厅堂,下得厨房,杀得了木马,打得过流氓。In addition, the villain is also well read, talented, poetry and painting, poetry, ocean master, everything proper, the halls too, was under the kitchen, not killing the Trojans beat the rogue.