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不动的线到飞动的线。Fixed-line to move the line.

织布机上梭子来回飞动。The shuttle flies back and forth on the loom.

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蜜蜂在阳光下成群飞动,发出点点流动的光亮,构成了别具特色的山野风景。Bees are flying under the sunshine. This will be a special natural scenery.

他的山水画作品中没有猛烈躁动的线,亦没有大片飞动的墨。The line in his landscape was not restlessness and the ink was not flying too.

或在苹果园的树木中飞动,给它的爱侣筑巢。Or flitting among the trees of the apple-orchard, building the nest of his mate.

使用一维振镜来实现点阵字体的飞动标刻。The raster fonts' flying-marking is realized by one-dimensional scanning mirror.

艺术是心动的产物,撩人的心动对于灵气飞动的写作是相当必要的。Art is the production of sensibility which is quite necessary for the intellectual writing.

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他马上就以每分钟几十英里的速度,在空中头朝前飞动起来。Immediately he was flying head over heels through the air at the rate of dozens of miles a minute.

还有六米直径的铁球内竟可以飞动5辆摩托车。And the iron ball with six meters in diameter can make 5 motorbikes driving and shuttling at the same time.

其笔下人物栩栩如生,细致入微,笔法飞动,意境深远。The figures he created are lifelike and nuanced. The whole painting appears far-reaching in artistic conception.

引禅入诗不仅是对前人诗学成果的继承,还在于诗学话语本身的国通与飞动是中国诗学史上的一个新高度。His applying Buddhism to poetry is an inheritance of predecessors, and has promoted Chinese poetics to a higher level.

宗白华以“静照”与“飞动”作为理论支点,由此展开其艺术哲学的理论阐释。“Zong Baihua undertakes the narration of his art philosophy theory on the basis of the aesthetics serenity and aesthetic modification.

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“飞动”重在阐释中国艺术如何传达艺术美的本质——生命的动感。The Aesthetic modification focuses on the quality of how the Chinese art expresses art aesthetics, which is offered a vivid appreciation.

它呈现出的是一个飞动活泼、神秘富丽的神异世界,这个世界富于折线之美、生活之美、飞动之美、信仰之美。It is a flying and lively and mysterious and magnificence world with the rich aesthetics which comes from flexuous line, life, fly, belief.

气压机组是催化裂化的重要生产核心设备之一,为了保证机组的正常运行,防止气压机飞动故障现象的发生,文章针对其产生的原因进行全面完整的分析。In order to make sure the machine set can run properly, and to prevent a breakdown of pneumatic machine flying, the article analyses its causes completely.

在你学会打一个飞动的小白球之前,要学会怎样用你的挖起杆来颠球,要有创意些来击球,如果这些能够改进你的协调能力的,就用小白球做出这些小把戏来吧。Before you try to hit a moving golf ball, learn to bounce it on your wedge first. Be creative and try doing tricks with the ball. All if this will improve your coordination.

其次,从对中西雕塑、绘画的差别和对中国建筑的特征的闸释中总结概括了“气韵生动”和“飞动之舞”这两个概念所彰显的生命精神。Secondly from remarks of sculpture, drawing and architecture difference between china and abroad Mr. Zong generalize the life spirit in the two concept of "vivid cloud" and "flying dance".

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后潜心研究汉代简书,以行草飞动圆劲的笔触,写庄重醇厚之体,形成了具个性的草隶,为书界所公认。Jane Han after studying the book to Cursive flying strong strokes a round, solemn mellow write the body, forming a personality with grass attached, has been recognized for the book industry.

中国古代建筑从布局到主体的梁柱结构,都遵循对称、均衡、主从关系等法则,园林建筑中的含蓄、借景,以及亭、台、楼、榭追求的空灵、飞动等都与书法密切相关。Chinese architecture adheres to the calligraphic rules of symmetry and balance, and the design of Chinese gardens, pavilions and temples all reflect the structural rules and rhythms of calligraphy.