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会谈话的舌头是一件优良的兵器。A good argot is a good weapon.

人门要求禁止使用核兵器。The people ask for a ban-the-bomb.

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以戈、钺为主要的青铜兵器等特征。Ge and Yue are the main bronze weapons.

十八般兵器你都给我拿来。I'm good with all the traditional weapons.

仁爱乃征服人类之最高贵兵器。Kindness is noblest weapon to conquer with.

首先,铁制的兵器,而非青铜的First of all, iron weapons, not bronze ones.

手握兵器谈和平最安全。It is safest making peace with sword in hand.

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日本武士首选的兵器就是刀。The samurais' weapon of choice was the sword.

你好,我们是楔石摄影怪兵器!Hello, We are Keystone photographic equipment!

这些古兵器都是用青铜铸成的。These ancient weapons are all cast out of bronze.

花剑,没有劈杀用的剑刀,是刺戳用兵器。The foil is a thrusting weapon with no cutting edge.

黑帮总在黑市购置攻击性兵器。Gangs are buying assault weapons on the black market.

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系统须要重新启动。关闭兵器系统。System restart required. Deactivating weapon systems.

以色列人出埃及地,都带著兵器上去。The Israelites went up out of Egypt armed for battle.

这片子中真是十八般兵器都齐全啊。This film is really 18 as weapons are in complete ah.

他们闯入兵器库抢走了二十二支步枪。They broke into the armoury and carried off 22 rifles.

第三章讨论东周时期的青铜兵器。Chapter three is on bronze weapons of the Eastern Zhou.

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古代以弓发射的具有锋刃的一种远射兵器。Ancient to bow fired a long-range weapons with Feng Ren.

为什么我们不给它们在兵器工业创造市场?Why cant we create a market for them in weapons industry?

他用玉作兵器,造舟车弓矢。He invented jade weapons, carts, boats and bows and arrows.