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唯物史观是马克思的伟大发现。Historical materialism is a great finding of Mark.

拉布里奥拉对唯物史观的阐发是富有创造性的。Antonio Labriola expounded on the historical materialism is creative.

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但学术界在唯物史观诞生标志问题上,一直都有分歧。But theorists hold different viewpoints on the origin of historical materialism.

社会形态理论是马克思唯物史观的重要组成部分。Marxs theory of social forms is the important part of the historical materialism.

唯物史观创立以后,唯物主义的这条“新的发展道路”就开辟出来了。"The new way of development" was set up after historical materialism was established.

马克思主义唯物史观是群众监督的理论基础。Historical materialism of Marxism is the theoretical basis of supervision by the masses.

科学的生产力理论是马克思主义唯物史观的基础。Scientific productivity theory is the foundation of Marxism materialist conception of history.

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群众路线是我们党的根本路线,也是马克思主义唯物史观的集中体现。The mass line is the basis lines. It's also the embodying of historical materialism of Marxism.

这就要求我们必须以唯物史观理论为指导进行制度的改革和创新。This require us must instruct reform and innovation of the institution using materialism theory.

唯物史观是核心,思想路线则是贯彻唯物史观的思想基础。Historical materialism is the core ideological line is the ideological base for its implementation.

唯物史观的诞生过程表现为历史认识论的确立过程。The naissance course of historical materialism in the foundation course of historical epistemology.

马克思的历史分期理论从唯物史观的基本观点出发坚持了经济的标准。While Marx's theory of stages insisted on economic criterion based on materialistic views of history.

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恩格斯指出,唯物史观不仅是世界视,而且是方法论。Engels pointed out that historical materialism is not only the world outlook but also the methodology.

市民社会的研究对唯物史观的形成具有重要意义。The study of the civil society has great significance in the foundation of the historical materialism.

其确立的生产力标准思想,是对唯物史观的丰富和完善。The thought of standard of productive force is the enrichment and perfection of historical materialism.

同时,拉布里奥拉对唯物史观的哲学基础进行了充分的论证。Meanwhile, Antonio Labriola held a full evaluation on the philosophical basis of historical materialism.

唯物史观的创立对市民社会问题的研究有着重大的影响。The foundation of materialist conception of history has great influence on the study of the civil society.

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马克思创立唯物史观是人类思想史上理论创新的典范。Marx constructing historical materialism is the apotheosis of theory innovation in human anamnesis history.

以人为本是科学发展观的本质和核心,也是马克思唯物史观的本质和核心。Man-based is the essence and core of the the scientific development view and Marxist historical materialism.

正是从这一结论出发,马克思实现了向唯物史观的伟大转变。Then it was on the conclusion that he accomplished the transformation to the materialist conception of history.