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她用不着利用萨米·泰勒这样的无赖来压价。She doesn't need to use a scoundrel like Sammy Tyler to get lower price.

运营商压价太低,厂商根本无利可图,只能去压低成本。Operators demand is too low, the manufacturer no profit, can only go to hold down costs.

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沃尔玛销售商说低价或压价销售将会持续一个季度。The retailer said the lower prices, or rollbacks, would be in effect throughout the season.

这期间,中国以其人为压价的商品供应通吃了一切所能找得到的需求。Meanwhile, China is mopping up demand everywhere you look with its artificially cheap supply of goods.

如果这样的“串通压价拍买”行径奏效,则事后这伙商家私下将进行真正的拍卖交易。If such a "knock-out"comes off, the real auction sale takes place privately afterwards among the dealers.

没有能吸引可再利用资源收集的足够市场,丢掉可在利用资源实际上是对已用资源的压价。Without adequate markets to absorb materials collected for recycling, throwaways actually depress prices for used materials. q3scz.

电声器件属于手机和笔记本电脑非核心零组件,经常被品牌厂家压价。Electric-voice devices, the non-core components of mobile phone and notebook computer, are often confronted with rollback from brand vendors.

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这些超市对供应商狠狠地压价,同样的单位营业额里,这些超市雇用的员工是正常人数的五分之一,在大多数地区,超市都享有低商业税。They exert an iron grip on their suppliers, they employ just one fifth of the staff per unit of turnover, they enjoy, in most places, lower business rates.

事实上你了解如何增加利润是你的财运使然,因此不要因为看到机遇所在便肆意涨价、压价。The fact that you have ideas on how to increase profits is your good fortune, so don't inflate the price you offer because of opportunities you have identified.

狡猾的海外买家也会用这种方法来重新压价,此时他们早已下了订单,货物也早已运达。This is also a technique that is used by a crafty overseas buyer to re-negotiate for a lower price long after the order was placed and the shipment has arrived.

农产品的收购单位在收购农产品时,不得压级压价,不得在付出的价款中扣缴任何费用。No units purchasing agricultural products may, at the time of purchasing, beat down the grade or price of agricultural products or deduct any costs from the payment.

什么也没有做。事实上,2003年的医疗现代化法案,禁止医药价格压价,将补贴锁定在保险公司,结果导致成本上升。Nothing. In fact, the 2003 Medicare Modernization Act drove costs up both by preventing bargaining over drug prices and by locking in subsidies to insurance companies.

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供货商公司则压低他们工厂的价格和更加努力至力于向他们上游供货商压价,争取去价格让步。Supplier firms have responded by locating more of their factories in low-cost locations and working hard to extract price concessions from their own, upstream suppliers.

专业家电连锁在全国范围内“跑马圈地”,用这张庞大的销售网络作为向家电制造企业压价的砝码。The professional electrical home appliances chain Expansion nationwide, using this huge commercial network as a weight to ask the manufacturing for company a lower price.

中国对国内企业的支持激怒了美国太阳能行业,他们称中国企业得到大量津贴和其他补贴,因而可以向美国产品压价.China's support to its companies has angered U.S. solar firms, which say Chinese producers can undercut American prices as they receive massive cash grants and other subsidies.

今天,中国向能源生产国家比如秘鲁撒出大笔现金购买铜、铁、石油和其他原材料,同时向全世界的消费者压价出口。Today, China'spurchases of copper, iron, oil and other materials pour cash intoresource-producing countries like Peru, while its exports hold downprices for consumers around the world.

姐妹俩面临着零售商的压价,因为她们的产品没有其它的“儿童用品”复杂,所以利润减少了。The twins were facing pushback from retailers on pricing because their product wasn’t much more complicated than other “child accessories, ” so Twin Beginnings’ margins were being squeezed.