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用行动捐助。Donation by Action.

捐助方应做些什么?What should donors do?

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甚至一年级学生也参与了捐助活动。Even first-graders donated money.

我的丈夫和我捐助了她。My husband and I made the donation.

他捐助他上过学的那所学校。He endowed the college he had attended.

请捐助世界卫生组织饮用水项目。Please donate WHO drinking water projet.

捐助服装为上下两件套。The clothes donated are a two piece set.

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通过Kiva捐助帮助一名企业家。Help an entrepreneur with aKiva donation.

我们希望人们通过向奥比斯捐助来支持我们的工作。I'm proud that I can help so many people.

通过Kiva捐助帮助一名企业家。Help an entrepreneur with a Kiva donation.

寻找实物捐赠或者非资金捐助。Seek in-kind or non-monetary contributions.

我们捐助了食物和衣物救济贫民。We contributed food and clothing to the poor.

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他向那新医院提供了捐助。He gave a subscription toward the new hospital.

你为希望工程捐助了多少钱?How much did you subscribe to the Hope Project?

但是,捐助方最终只能起到催化作用。But in the end, a donor can only act as catalyst.

更重要的是,这些捐助在源源不断地大量输往海地。Most importantly the support continues to roll in.

他们向难民捐助了食物和衣服。They contributed food and clothing for the refugees.

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象征性意义重大的捐助也在跟进。Symbolically significant donations are pouring in too.

电台要求人们向红十字会捐助。The radio urged people t0 contribute to the Red Cross.

学校希望他们的孩子入学以获得捐助款。Schools looking for endowment money want their children.