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海湾内的围垦工程对潮流及冲淤都将产生影响。Gulf reclamation project has an impact on the trends and siltation.

对浙江北部不同时期围垦的海涂土壤持水特性进行了研究。The water retention characteristics of coastal soils in Zhejiang Province were studied.

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采用此方法与杭州湾边滩围垦多年实测资料验证,结果令人满意。A comparison of the calculated data with the measured data shows that the method is satisfactory.

滩涂围垦是沿海地区耕地占补平衡的重要手段。Inning of tidal flats is an important approach to keep the amount of field acreage on an appropriate level.

滩涂围垦成陆并经验收合格的土地,由市土地储备中心实施储备。Land reclaimed from mudflats, upon passing the acceptance test, shall be reserved by the Municipal Land Reserve Center.

对过渡开垦、围垦的土地,有步骤的退耕还林、还草、还湖。In places with excess reclamation of this kind, we should restore reclaimed land to forests, grasslands or lakes step by step.

为促进滩涂围垦进入良性发展阶段,本文提出了相应的对策建议。In order to promote the reclamation towards sound development, the paper puts forward corresponding strategies and suggestions.

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借助地学知识,运用目视解译方法,对滩涂围垦区内的土地利用景观进行分类。Land use landscape within tideland reclamation area is classified by means of geographical knowledge and visual interpretation.

分析了崇明湿地的作用和围垦等状况,提出崇明湿地的保护管理措施。The paper analyzes the Chongming wetland's functions, status and put forward some protections and managements measures on them.

利用数学模型分别对9个洪水流量级进行了水库沿程水面线计算分析,每个流量级分有围垦堤和没有围垦堤两个方案。Mathematical model is used to calculate and analyze water line in case of 9 kinds of flood flow levels respectively in reservoir.

水库库区的围垦,位置在水库库区18断面或其附近的“鸟岛”处。The enclosing tideland for cultivation around the reservoir situated at 18 section in the reservoir or the "bird island" near it.

多流域水系在围垦工程围区内汇合,增加了围垦工程龙口合龙施工的难度。The construction difficulty of dike closure would be increased when multi-basin rivers are converged on the reclamation project area.

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尤其是在沿海地区,滩涂围垦对推动区域经济的可持续发展发挥着巨大的作用。Especially, in coastal areas, reclamation land from beach promotes the steady development of the district economy and plays a basic role.

袁兴中,陆健健围垦对长江口南岸底栖动物群落结构及多样性的影响。Lu J. Influence of diking on the benthic macro-invertebrate community structure and diversity in the south bank of the Changjiang Estuary.

生态安全压力主要来自海岸带工程建设和围垦造地,九龙江河口输入,台风、风暴潮。The eco-safety stress of Xiamen coast are mainly from the coastal construction and reclamation, Jiulong River, the typhoon and storm tide.

研究得到的农业管理分区可以指导精确施肥和农业生产管理,提高海涂围垦区的作物生产量。The management zoning could guide the precise fertilizer and production management, and improve the crop production of tideland reclamation.

应用数值嵌套模式,研究不同风向情况下,梅梁湖与竺山湖之间的马山区围垦对梅梁湖风生流的影响。This paper discusses application of an inlay mesh model to the Meiliang Lake Area′s wind driven currents in the cases of various wind regimes.

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过去30年间,浙江沿海滩涂地不断地被围垦成农用地。Over the past 30 years, considerable parts of coastal tideland have been enclosed and reclaimed for agricultural land uses in Zhejing province.

疏浚机周围悬浮物的含量以及围垦工程溢流的排放可提供关于溢出率的信息。The content of suspended matter around the dredger and the dis"-charge of the overflow from reclamation give information about the spill rate."

为研究厦门招银开发区围垦方案实施前后,对联合循环电厂塔角及岛美取排水口海区水深稳定性的影响。To study the impact of Xiamen Business Bank Development Area inning program on the water depth stability in Tajiao and Daomei sinkhole sea areas.