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这个必须要顶一下。Yes, I need one.

这里我们须要认真一些Let's be careful here.

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但它们必须要被铲除么?Must it be weeded out?

谎言必须要中止。The lies have to stop.

必须要在今天搞到手。They must do it today.

实在咱们不须要慌。We needn't have worried.

人须要能量才略活着。People need energy to live.

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我须要给所有这些考试卷打分数。I have to grade all these tests.

这些房间今天必须要打扫干净。The rooms must be cleaned today.

所以,她必须要嫁给一只狗。Therefore, she must marry a dog.

网络社会须要民主。Democracy on the networked gones.

它必须要兑现自己的承诺It has to live up to its promises.

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你的表现必须要中规中矩。Your performance has to be sub-par.

教育儿童须要耐心。It takes patience to educate children.

一次尝试,你们必须要赞扬他。An attempt. You have to give him credit.

我们须要一张世界舆图。We need a roadvertisingmap of the world.

掌握一门语言须要下功夫。It requires efforts to master a language.

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SIM卡必须要在一个密封的外壳里。SIM card has to be in a sealable enclosure.

老师必须要穿至少两件衬裙。Teacher is to wear at least two petticoats.

当射箭时,你须要拉弓。When you shoot an arrow , you draw the bow.