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办理作业许可证才能进行动火作业。Get a work Permit before you can start the hot work.

用不着为了这么一点小事动火。There is no need to get up in arms over such a trifle.

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坎帕纳猛地扳动火车刹车,拉响了警报器。Campana slammed on the train's brake and blasted his air horn.

对储油罐动火维修的安全控制提出建议。This article analyzed the fire fatalness of oil tank in unite station.

对储油罐动火维修的安全控制提出建议。Then the proposal of safty measure for fire work of oil tanks repairing.

封闭空间内的所有动火作业必须签发动火作业票并进行作业危险性分析。ALL hot work in confined space must have a Work Permit and Job Hazard Analysis.

在单烧嘴均热炉采用脉动火焰加热,根据模型实验结果,组织了工业试验。The model test of jet angles was studied for impulse flame heating in top one-way fired pit.

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根据港口规则,你应该在动火前向海事部门24小时递交申请。According to the port regulations, you should make an application to MSA 24 hours before welding.

应确保提供足够的空气,因为动火工作会消耗封闭空间的氧气。Adequate air supply must be provided as hot work will deplete oxygen content in the confine space.

介绍了输油管道检修中的泥土封堵动火与蒸汽置换动火技术方法。The fire work technology of soil blocking and vapour replacing for pipe maintenance is introduced in the paper.

管道修补带压封堵、快速可靠、免动火、柔韧连接。The pipe could be repaired even if pipe with pressure instantly and safely, and elastic coupling with fire-free.

受限空间内的所有动火作业必须要有动火作业许可证和受限空间作业许可证及作业危险性分析。All hot work in confined space must have Work Permits of the Hot Work and Confined space and Job Hazard Analysis.

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必须提供持续的和足够的气源,因为动火作业会消耗受限空间中的氧气。Continuous and adequate air supply must be provided as hot work will deplete oxygen content in the confine space.

在运行着的液化气罐区内建设新球罐,要进行大规模的动火作业,这样对生产和安全极为不利。It is not safe to weld & install a new spherical tank within a liquified gas tank farm with fire on a large scale.

产品安装免动火,安全可靠,唇状密封确保在压力标准范围安全可靠应用,值得信赖。Fire-proof products to ensure safe and reliable operation . This allows the full implementation of safety standards.

添加来自经验丰富的户外运动火起动器包生存与技巧野外生存在这个免费视频。Add fire starters to survival kits with tips from an experienced outdoorsman in this free video on wilderness survival.

通过理论分析或实际测试验证,在氢气压力容器的罐体外部可以进行动火打磨工作。Through exoterica analyse or test validate in practice, worker can use fire to polish outside hydrogen pressure vessel.

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对长输管道干线及站内工艺管道的隔离、扫线和动火步骤进行了综述。The paper overviews the insulation, purging, and steps of hot work for long distance pipeline and pumping station pipeline.

易燃易爆等危险场所严禁吸烟和明火作业,凡需动火必须按规定办理等级动火证。Any fire or smoking in a flammable or explosive environment is forbidden. Graded licenses should be applied for use of fire.

他们说当突击队进入到主要建筑里他们看见了信使的哥哥,突击小组相信他准备动火。They said that when the commandos moved into the main house they saw the courier's brother, who they believed was preparing to fire a weapon.