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他心中暗怒四大鹰犬乘人之危,趁他受伤时偷袭,决定向他们施展报复。He was thinking to anger four YingQuan fishing, while he is injured cs, decided to cast their revenge.

O-1鹰犬式飞机在越南战争中被广泛使用,大部分时间里作为一种前线支援飞机。This O-1 Bird Dog was also used in Vietnam and neighboring countries, mostly as a forward air controller.

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夏天到了,一天他由一群英姿飒爽的贵人护卫着,带着鹰犬骑马出发。When the summer was come he rode forth with hawk and hound, one day, in a brilliant company of his nobles.

铁彪心知来人是比四大鹰犬更厉害的绝世高手,忙凝神接战。Iron young tiger knew bearer is four more severe than the YingQuan at that time, busy while the second day.

绣云等知悉了阿尔泰的计谋,想告知铁彪,却被众鹰犬拦路阻止。Embroidery such as cloud knew the counsel of altai, want to inform iron young tiger, but all the YingQuan block the way to prevent.

四大鹰犬循着陈近南负伤而逃的足迹,一直追踪至灵应寺,并包寺院重重包围。Four YingQuan followed ChenJinNa wounded and flee footprint, has been tracking to spirit should be temple, and package inundated with temple.

首先,站在汉民族角度,施琅是不折不扣的满清鹰犬,说他是汉奸一点也不为过。To begin with, from the perspective of the Han people, Shi Lang was nothing but a Manchu Qing lackey . To say he was a traitor doesn't even come close.

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大悲大师首徒,罗汉堂之伏虎罗汉玄空,正苦战突围,却在山下碰上了四大鹰犬中的日月罗刹!Great master first ACTS, the LuoHanTang fighter LuoHanXuan empty, are tough to break, but under the mountain with the sun and the moon YingQuan four Russian!

铁彪带着三少年,跑到城北贫民区内的横街窄巷里逃避,日月罗刹两鹰犬亦从后穷追不舍。Iron young tiger with SanShao years, ran to the north of the city in the narrow alley slum indeed flee from the sun and the moon YingQuan also after two Russian from walked in.

他说,伊朗正利用充当其鹰犬的武装组织袭击伊拉克部队、美国部队及其驻伊拉克的盟军,其中一些人员正在伊朗接受训练,还有一些人员在黎巴嫩接受训练。He said Iran is using surrogate groups to attack Iraqi, U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq and that some of the surrogates are being trained in Iran, while others are receiving training in Lebanon.